no not the movie I went past my old primary school today, and i had a chuckle to myself as I recalled some of the games we used to play as kids, we were so passionate about some in particular that in serious cases..people actually got hurt in rows over the game... we even used to pretend we were the characters of popular cartoons or television shows Care to share some of yours? heres a few of mine Blue Heelers (aussie cop drama)(i was maggie doyle!) teenage mutant ninja turtles!!!yeeeeeeahh!(i was donatello) cheetas(we pretended to be a family of cheetas..i was the mum) dinosaurs(self explanatory!) kiss chasey(i hated that game) captain planet!(earth!fire!wind!water!GOOOOOOOOOO PLANET!!!!) hahahah ahem anyway......:redface:
LOL!!!!! I played super heroes and smashed my knee badly and ended up with a burst blood vessel too >< bears >< <shame> hit and run <self explanitory, we used sticks> weddings...<I was the run away bride every time lol> dodge the spit get the idea and ewwwwwww! mud bakeries....was for mud fight usage resulting in big trouble we also played space explorers....I was always the first elf to go to space lol All our games were...aggressive....cept when I plaued barbie dolls at school....
I had friends who used to pretend to be horses all the time. They would gallop and whinny and everything. That was okay but it got boring after a while, considering that I wasn't a horse person! When I made my one and only best friend, we would go off and pretend by ourselves to be the characters from our own stories. I had this silly story idea when I was little about these rat freedom fighters in WWII, battling Nazi dogs. Sometimes one of us would pretend to be one of the Nazi characters goosestepping and then we'd get trapped in this stack of tires set up by the rats. Other times, we pretended to be Egyptian statues sitting still on some rocks, guarding an ancient gateway. (Never realized just how goofy this all sounds until now. ; )
haha i remember those times...well i had pretty wild imaginations to keep me awake in those really boring classes... Charmed Witches....wanted to have Phoebe and Pru's combined powers Female version of Johnny Quest Ooh and of course my fav...Optimus Prime from Transformers
I played marbles... lol. (Got detention from it too, because I beat a boy and we were playing 'keepsies' and he wouldn't hand over the marbles I won... ) Other games I remember are: What's the Time, Mr Wolf? Stuck In The Mud Come Over, Red Rover Hehe.. The only game I remember playing based around a TV show is 'Wonder Woman' - I had the white boots and everything. :redface:
haha, I remember playing red rover(I never liked it) (tree)house-sometimes we were in a tree sometime on the ground. I was always the daddy. hide and seek-this was my favorite star wars-we'd cut out lightsabers from carboard. I had to be darth maul. Did anyone play those silly hand games? there's a lot of them.
Red Rover, Freeze Tag, Kick The Can, Punch (Oh that was fun, you keep trading punches until someone gives up), and there are so many more ....
Ah, the kids games I normaly played. Tag, Punch, Hide and seek, Kick matches, Play fights, football, Hacker's Union (Like football, but you kicked the living daylights out of whoever got the ball), Chicken (When you lined up a few friends on a wall and kick a football really hard at them, when one ran away or started crying he was the 'Chicken') Dodgeball (Pritty much the same but the people where moving, and if you hit the head, it was 100 points!) Truth or Dare and Runnzies (This was when everyone ran from one side of the feild to the other, you could trip people up and push them into others, the first to get to the other side won.) We where EVIL kids!
Oh yeah! Those ones where you clap hands in a pattern and say rhymes and such - I remember that! I also remember we used to play something with elastic - I'm trying to think of a succinct way to describe it, but essentially, we'd have a two people stand with a big loop of elastic, and there were all sorts of tricks that we'd do with the loop... Kinda like a more gymnastic skip rope. (I probably didn't describe that very successfully... )
I also remember we used to play something with elastic - I'm trying to think of a succinct way to describe it, but essentially, we'd have a two people stand with a big loop of elastic, and there were all sorts of tricks that we'd do with the loop... Kinda like a more gymnastic skip rope. I remember that one. I think we called it yogi. and each time you completed the steps you raised it up to knees and then hips and one time a girl actually got to the neck. I was never very good at it. We had one where you bounced a ball on the wall and caught it. first normal then bounce on the ground then the wall and catch. then under the leg catch then under other leg wall and catch. that one I was hard to beat. usually I would find a quiet spot and sit and read or watch the fun.
Yes - that was the one! Although, I don't think we ever called it anything other than 'elastics'. I could get pretty high, but I trained as a gymnast.
YES FOUR SQUARE!!! hahah i had completely forgotten about that game until i read that post, we used to spend a whole lunch break playing that game
Oh, Red Rover...that was one of my favs.. Duck, Duck, Goose Hopscotch...I always liked playing this game with my best friend. I remember pretending to be Scarlett O'Hara from Gone With The Wind...I loved her dresses, so my Great Grandmother would sew me a few long, super flouncy skirts...not quite "Antebellum" but for a young girl...they worked just fine..
When I was a kid, I made control panels out of shoe boxes, and pretended I was piloting a spaceship. At one point, I had a mission report from the Frienship 7 mission in the Mercury program, so I made a mockup of the Mercury capsule control panel from the photographs in the book. I've been a Space Case from the beginning.
Oh, Cog. that reminds me of my bothers and I playing "race car driver". We would take a big noisy window fan, and turn it up on high. With the fan blowing in our faces we would pretend we were racing each other. That was always so much fun...until our mother would fuss because we had pulled the dinning room chairs in the bedroom. I still don't know how we did it, being so little...Oh, yeah...we were helliards... LOL!
Mine is a bit difficult to describe. It was played at Aliumanu Intermediate in Honolulu, Hawaii. There was sort of jungle gym which had a rather long set of parallel bars on one side. The idea of the game was as follows: Two players, each starts at either end of the hallway created by the long set of parallel bars. You would chase each other around the parallel bars in a prescribed circular orbit. As you came to the either end of the parallel bars, you had to flip yourself up between the bars and over one side, and then continue the chase around. The flip would cause a pause in your running and it might give your opponent the chance to tag you. If tagged, you would be out, if not, you would continue the chase around the bars until someone was tagged. The winner would take on the next opponent. The game had no name that I can remember, but there was always a long line to play during recess. I loved it!