Hi I am having trouble figuring out the correct way to site a corporate homepage. Is the word Homepage suppose to be italicized? this is what I have: One other question about citations. I am citing a financial web source accessed through a library database. Is this the correct citing? I went directly to Hoover's via the library database. I am assuming doing this the web source is Hoover's Online and there isn't a database or a database provider correct? My teacher keeps telling me both are still wrong.
You should be asking your teacher these questions, not us. There is more than one standard for citations, to begin with, and you should consult references specific to the standard your school or class endorses. A home page (two words) is a generic term and can be used, uncapitalized, even if the homepage has a title of its own. But ask your teacher, not us, what is specifically incorrect about your citations.
The funny thing is that she will not tell me specifically which part is incorrect, the only thing she will tell me is general question about formatting. It's pretty frustrating but thank you anyways.
If you know what style you are using (i.e. APA, MLA, etc.) you can look this up online. I think people are reluctant to help with homework in forums like this, and moreso when the person asking for the help only has 1 post, and it's to ask for help with homework
I can't imagine a teacher would not inform you on what style you're supposed to use. That doesn't make sense. In any case, just google "works cited format" or something like that and take a look at examples.
Sorry, I left out that important information. We are using MLA style to do our citations. I google "works cited format" and there was a lot of useful information. Thank you.