You see, late night coffee breaks aren't always a good idea , especially when you have already had three cups of it. It prompts you to look psychotic and sleep deprived , just like the current Prime Minister of Russia , Vladimir Putin. But isn't that the point really, to make it look like to your faculties that you have been working day and night on your own evil devices and world domination schemes even though you were just thinking about Paris Hilton in a bikini. Anyway, an introduction to me. I am from "almost" the other side of the world who took to writing when his parents forced him to write a letter to grandma . I discovered Writers Digest while I was searching for Jeremy Clarkson articles (yes , three cups of coffee makes you do that as well) and going through a french cinema forum which is not much different from a porn site. I am Rik, a complete novice , hoping to write better with the help of you. Hello Writers!
Haha. Loved that post, by the way. I'm new here as well, this being my *wait for it* SECOND post yet on WF. Anyways, welcome, if I am aloud to say that, being now the second newest one here. Also, I am planning on creating an RPG mixing the all-too-used 'zombie' theme and the ever-classic 'Middle-Earth.' Interestinng, no? I'd like your help, if you're interested. Having two people will help others notice my "masterpiece."
Hi Rick! I'm new here too, although not necessarily a novice, I've done rpg writing. Anyway, welcome! I hope we all get to have great fun here! Btw, The Lady Victoria is my character's name. My pen name online is Wisteria, real name...Paula.
thanks guys happy to be here, i guess. @ dismal krow - Sounds good! sure I would be happy to help. Just pm me.