Hi all, I'm writing this post as I'm looking for one or two (even more if possible) author's to help me write a horror novel. Or short story, whichever works best. Its a collaberative work with everyone pitching in, helping with storylines, backstories, characters, settings, everything. I havent as yet got a base storyline, but i do have a few ideas we can work with. I would love to start writing with someone on a piece of literature as i seem to work better in a group, and i come up with better ideas and plotlines when collaberating. Anyway if any of you are interested, please post back and we can start collaberating. Ciao xXLadyFrostXx
if you intend to try selling the result, don't write a single word without having a collaboration contract in place!... and be sure to have your own literary attorney go over it before signing... some of my mentees have horror stories about getting stuck with [even losing their original work to] the writing partner from hell, by not covering themselves legally before they started writing... you can find a sample contract on the wga website... and writer's market may also offer one... love and hugs, maia
Thanks heaps for that, i never really thought about doing it all legally but i guess its the safiest way of doing things. I've only ever done collaberative works with my closest friends, and well i trust them a whole lot more then i trust most people, so legality wasnt an issue where they were envloved. But the things is, at this stage i dont really care if my ideas of plots or characters are stolen or taken credit for by someone else. If they get rich off my ideas then good for them...i guess its because i dont really feel attached to the project yet. xXLadyFrostXx
thing is, if you do 'feel attached' later on, it will be too late to protect your interests/rights then, if you don't have a contract in place from the outset...
I love knocking brains and hashing out plots. I've never tried to write horror, but I'm a huge fan of it.
I love writing horror, i think its because when i wrote horror i know i can be as graphic as i want to be as its horror and expected. i also love writing with other people, i tend to do my best work with a bunch of people because i can bounce ideas of other peoples ideas and stuff like that. xXLadyFrostXx
Well then, lets get together sometimes and bounce some ideas off one another. I also do well with this not to mention its fun.
[does a little dance] yay! it will be slow going if we get together and do this as i have a book that i HAVE to finish as i've got a publisher looking to publish it, so i have to get the MS done, which means that gets all of my time. but i can still do this...i multitask really well, and this story can be my break story...the one i go to when i need a break. ciao xXLadyFrostXx
Im also cleaning up my current manuscript to send off to an agent in seattle that has requested to see it, so I am also busy, but it does sound fun and would be a nice break for me too.
excellent. well it looks like you have a partner for when you feel the need to push the book aside for alittle while and concentrate on something else. so you've never written horror before? well its really quite simple...i mean the writing part is hard but the ideas part isnt. you just have to think of the most horrifying, grotesque and disturbing plotline you can think of. well for a really good horror horror that is. lol xXLadyFrostXx
sounds fun, but I'm working on my own horror story right now, and I really need to get that finished first. It'll be a long road, but it should be a really good outcome. I hope...