Got a query on this dialogue: “Reyborse is a House Saken command officer: an Isier,” Oscilon explained. Is the : correct to be used or should I perhaps use the em dash instead?
I agree with KaTrian. If you were to write this in a body of text, you may write 'Reyborse is a House Saken command officer; an Isier', implying that "an Isier" is another term for a "House Saken command officer". However, as you have it in dialogue, a simple comma will suffice, just to offer that slight pause between the two.
Ok, sounds good commas work. I just thought I could have tried something more discerning and showy...
Or, Oscilon explained, “Reyborse is a House Saken command officer ... an Isier.” Here the pausing effect of the ellipsis accents the wow of being an Isier.
A comma would probably be the most common usage. I've also seen a dash used in similar situations, and I like the above mentioned idea of using an ellipsis to create the effect of a dramatic pause.