This is the third time I'm posting this - it keeps disappearing. So if you have responded to it, or if you are reading this for the first time, please don't respond here - please private message me your helpful advice. I would really appreciate it! I thought I understood the rule for putting a comma before the word 'for', but in the two instances below, someone said that no comma should be there: However, his action would remain unknown for another presence startled the quartet. Words poured forth from her mouth for she was unable to keep them inside. I believe that a comma should be before both 'for's, despite what I have been told. Any help is much appreciated. (Remember, please don't respond here - please private message me since this thread is likely to disappear as it has two other times.) EDIT: For some reason, this post did not disappear like it did the two other times. So, it's really up to you if you want to reply here or private message me. Thanks! Thanks!
i haven't time for a pm, so let's just hope you see this... when a pause is required, a comma is properly inserted... for all of the rules, go here: the rest of the site is also well worth keeping in your favorites list...
Thanks so much! Oddly enough, this post did not disappear again! Yeah! That really is a great site. Thanks again!
Thanks so much! Another grammar rule to file away, so I can use it to further advance my skills .. Thanks again!