Is it just me........ Do any of you make the same typing mistakes over and over, even though you have been typing for years. if so what are they Mine is Instead of Thinking I always type thinkign, and its the same for any other word that has "NG" at the end, i always always always put them in the wrong order. Over to you..... Ps I did in incorrectly with both Typing in my opening statement and in my example where it is shown correctly, but went back to edit to try - poorly-to make my point.
I know I do make the same typing mistakes a lot, but for some reason no specific ones come to mind. But yes, it happens, especially since I type fast and have learned to backspace a lot.
I type "becuase or becasue" almost every time. Ha! Just then when I tried to type it wrong, I did it right.
If I am typing and the first letter has to be capitalized, the second letter is almost always going to follow capitalized. It drives me nuts that I do this, but I've just learned to look for it. GRRRRR!!!!
I always type words twice when I'm not thinking. Ex. ...until it reached the the Gulf, and the long twilight of the shadow was over the land.
I HATE that damn Caps Lock key! Seems like every time I reach for "Shift", i HIT 'cAPS lOCK' AND ALL MY...typing has to be corrected.
I don't really have any consistent mistakes, but one that's really close is sometimes I type so fast that I hit a key too light and it doesn't register. The thing about the Shift key for me is that sometimes I hold it too long and the first and second letter are capitalized, or I don't hold it long enough and the letter doesn't get capitalized. During the typing of this entire message, I made 9 mistakes mentioned wait, make that 10.
When I lived in Florida, I had reason to type the name of the city of Palm Bay on a regular basis. It always came out as Plam Bay. Oh, and as for the caps lock key... I don't have issue with it, but I have a tendency to hold the shift key for the first two letter instead of just the one.
I have a couple - I almost always type quite instead of quiet and, unfortunately, with the 'i' and 'u' keys next to each other, I am forever typing good lick instead of good luck (very embarrassing during MSN conversations) :redface:
everytime i type a letter beginning with 'e' after 'the' i get 'thee mpty bin' i like to think its because my fingers can't keep up with the speed im thinking at
I type htat instead of that all the time. I hate it. It bugs the crud out of me. Random fact. The reason our keyboards aren't in alphabetical order is because when they used typewriters, people would type so fast the keys would get jammed, so they mixed the letters up so people wouldn't type so fast. And when they came out with computers, people were used to the keyboard order we have now. So. That's why the keyboard is all disorganized.
Too many to list, but teh instead of the is pretty typical - left vs right hand race condition. Also, I often hit Q or CAPS LOCK along with the A key. When I retired my previous laptop, a major reason was that my BACKSPACE key was beginning to fail due to overuse.
yes teh, is another of mine, but didn't want to disclose too much in my first post, of fear of being a right mumpty. Glad there so many others out there, yes it just does bug the hell out of us!! What about accidentally hitting the over right key, then looking up and realise the bit you had tried to edit has completely disappeared.
If I'm on autopilot (or in the 'zone') I'll type 'and' instead of 'an' - won't even realise until I go back and read stuff. I would always mess up: loose, lose, loss but as soon as I come to type them my brain slams on the breaks until I've had a good think about it.
the most common with myself is 'teh' instead of 'the' and one other really bad one is with my username. If I capitalize the 'T' 9/10 I capitalize the 'O' as well. I do it with every word that has an 'o' after the first letter that is capitalized.
Dont know what it is, but since starting this thread Im gettign worse. Im doign all sorts of typos now. anybody else find it very frustrating or is it me, and the lack of smokes (see other thread) PS Im leavign my mistakes in now, as Im spending forever editing LOL
the bane of my life is the word 'teh' When I'm typing fast i'll do it twenty times in 5 minutes. Praise word for autocorrect!
I have this thing where my 'h's jump ahead. I get "hte" far more often than "teh". And "htat". For some reason, it seems my autocorrect only works for these half the time.
I always say looking instead of licking. but that's another story LOL nah, and I always say thinkign too, or put an O where an E should be. Ugh. I'm just an illiterate SWINE.
I tend to insert full stops where they don't belong because I automatically tap the full stop key when I pause. So if I pause in the middle of a sentence, I have to erase the full stop.