A microstory competition or Story 101? A word is provided and the entries must be 100 words plus the word provided long (hence 101). And its 101 words as counted manually. I guess a decision would have to be made about contracted words (eg. don't = 1 or 2 words). Makes a quick competition and can be a great idea starter.
PM Gannon and suggest it to him. He runs the short story competitions. He could use that idea for the next one.
I'm keen - though I'd probably run it concurrently rather than instead of the current contests. Anyone think the idea would be popular - if i get a few responses I'll set one up as a test?
I don't think this is worth making a competition to be honest. how about having it as a word game and you first person leaves a word. the next person makes a story invloving that word, then leaves on for the next person and so on. I just think one story and poetry, and the big writing one, is enough personally.
I agree with Heather. It sounds more like a word game or an exercise in writing that something worth competing over (Coming from someone who doesn't even participate in the contests ).