When posting a poll, I believe it is possible to set the poll up so that it s possible to see who has voted for which item on the poll. Do you think it would be a good idea or bad to set the polls up for the competitions (poetry and short stories) so that it is possible to see who has voted for who? What contention could arise from seeing who has preferred which piece? I don't think I would mind the recipient of my vote knowing that it was I who cast the vote. I'm unsure whether I'd like to see this implemented or not - though unless any strong contentions are raised - I think I would like to see it go ahead - or at least trialled. What do you think? Ironically I'll post a poll where you se who has voted for what!
I think voting should be anonymous. If a particular voter wants the author to know he or she voted for the piece, a PM or a mention in a post will suffice. The last thing I'd like to see is someone refraining from voting for fear of hurting someone else's feelings.
Cogito is right. The Secret Ballot prevents all biases on the voter, whether real or in the mind of the voter. I agree, that it should make no difference whether people know who voted for whom, but in the real world there is a chance it might. And so long as there is that chance, the ballot should, I believe, remain secret.
I agree with most of what's been said before. I think it's best for it to be anonymous - so as not to hurt anyone's feelings and to generally avoid other trouble. Furthermore, I can't think of any pros for the names to be displayed.
I don't normally vote in poetry since i'm the one who runs it. though on occasion I do cast the odd vote. but rarely. But it appears many like to remain anominous so I think for now I'll keep it that way. Plus some like to vote for themselves and they might not want others to see that and in fairness its their right i guess. ~Raven.
I agree with most of the above also. While it's nice to know who enjoys what you've written, I would hate to see fights or people being upset over whose voted for who. Being unknown seems to work just fine at present Nadala~
Besides, members can post praise for a particular piece, but may feel that another offering edges it out for other factors. For example, you might think one plot was highly imaginative, but vote for another for the overall quality. It can be a difficult choice, and you can only vote once.
Thanks for your thoughts - I said I was unsure and whilst I would be intrigued to know who was voting for what I appreciate as you point out that some points of contention could arise from knowing and that's the last thing any of us would want - so I'll err on the side of caution and agree with you. Thanks again
I can only agree with no names attached to votes. Fewer hurt feelings. Fewer chances for someone who feels slighted to "pester" voters, asking why their's wasnt as good as someone else's, etc. Terry
I'd just like to add to this, that at times I can see how this could be useful. e.g to ensure that randomers who haven't read the pieces don't just come along and vote randomly just for the sake of it While anyominity is probably the best in this situation, is there any solution, work around, to make sure people will read the pieces before voting?
The voting is supposed to be a fun competition, not a scientific assessment of merit. The competitions exist to get people to attempt directed writing challenges and stretch their creative muscles. For detailed feedback, we have the Review Room.