Today, I really, really, really hate computers! !@#$%^&* Went to take my computer-based GRE, did all the writing part (even though I'm a part of this website, I pretty much suck at writing) which took 1.5 hours... then... fatal computer error! GRRR!@#$%^&* I HATE COMPUTERS! I only had half the test left and this was THE LAST week I could take the test in time so that I would be able to take 9 hours of grad school in january (only seat open until much later)... Now I have to wait until Monday to reschedule to take the test on a different day, which means I'll probably have to re-take the writing part too... !@#$%^&*!@#$%^&*!@#$%^&* I HATE COMPUTERS! don't you?
Couldn't you copy and paste the writing part? You should have kept a copy on Open Office or whatever word document you use. But other then that, hate that computer. I hate a software so thats okay. I have Vista and Vista won't let me burn CDs onto the computer. So my MP3 folder has been sitting with no updates for a while. I am not burning it on my computer because I want to make CDs of it and give it all to my friends. I want to burn the CD so that way I have more for my MP3 player. This is the day and age of MP3 players not CDs, there are rarely people who use CDs. I mean they probably are some people who still use CDs, but not as many people. I hate Vista.
The GRE is at a special testing area and it's the only thing on the screen and there's no saving your answers or anything because someone else might be able to cheat. they have cameras to watch you test and everything. the GRE home base just messed up today... and i hate it. (i'm a mac girl myself - 4 years and it still runs! i crashed my first pc on the first day i had it... didn't last me through 2 years. i'm good at bringing up the blue screen of death... )
But without computers you'd never have met all the charming members here in the Writing Forums community. Nevermind... I just remembered the internet is 99% porn, viruses, and ignorant ***** looking for a place to voice their opinion about anything and everything. Computers do suck, but at least it's nice to know there's a safe haven in the depths of internet-Hell. @Leaka: I doubt she's allowed to copy and paste sections of a test. It sucks. EDIT: I'm too late.
Leaka, we not only still use CD;s but tapes and records. We bought each other mp3 players for christmas and the one thing Don wanted to download was spanky and our gang greatest hits cd. Found it on but it is only available in the US. So for a while I guess we go the CD route. we have now got songs on the MP3 and will download some books so that is our advancement into the new future now present. Records are really nice to listen to as well. If you can find them.
I am not exactly sure. It has intel pentium dual core and Windows Vista. It has some other stuff as well. And I am sort of lazy to go downstairs and get the menu. But I guess it would be the Vista that every new computer comes with. Edit: That's ridiculous that you can't save the writing part.
My computers seem to be all werd like me. lol. or we have a who can damage it more competition. The other day I inserted two cds into the DVD space, and by the tme I took it out, the forceps I used were bent, the cd was destroyed and my DVD disappeared from the system. lol And I system restored my system once, still haven't fgured how managed to that. But along wth it, my licensed MS Offce disappeared and I'm in trial. Haven't shut my system down for days.
I hate Microsoft. I hate the way they do business, and I hate Vista. There are some cool features, like Vista hides that your computer is slower then what you think. But I hate some other features, I hate those features a lot.
if you have problems with dust in computers NEVER get cats. I like leaka and I think leaka doesn't hate me. You just have to learn to understand him. Not always easy but interesting.
You should have vents on the side also. They may be so clogged you can't see them--I've seen it happen. Lol, that's for sure, unless you want your comp to hawk up a furball.
No my side vents are easier to see then my bottom ones. And I have a cat. Sometimes he tries to lay on my laptop. Its never going to happen, but he tries.