Help! I have just been trying to upload a fictional story 'text' on to my website and all I can manage to transfer over is the 'info link' not the actual text - I don't want to type out the whole story again on to the site - can anyone explain how to do this.
is it your own story, or someone else's? if it's your own, what kind of website do you have?... and what program is your story on? if it's someone else's story, it's probably protected from being copied...
Hi, I usually type the posts on my blog directly on the blog, but yes I'd agree with the copy paste (contol C and Control V) idea, depending of course on how big it is. Having said that if it will work and whether formatting etc will carry across as well, will depend on how you've set your website up. The reason it's not working for you is that you're not accessing the file, only the link to the file. This may be related to the permissions you've set up on your website. Don't forget you can check the 'properties' of anything you link across, and if you read them, particularly the address lines, it may give you an idea as to what's going wrong. Also just a quick question, is your doc file protected in any way? If it's read only that may play havoc as well. Hope that helps. Cheers, Greg.
Hi and thanks everyone for your help. Maia - yes it is my own story; on microsoft word 2010. Allan & Greg - I'll try the copy and paste thing (why didn't I think of that?) and let you know how I get on, thanks again.