In the end of my story my main character has to chose to either leave the world he has entered or to stay within it. I want him to chose to stay but I'm not sure why he should chose to stay. Any ideas?
Well, kstan, I know this doesn't help you, but no one here is going to be able to answer your question -- it depends entirely on both your plot and your character. You need to think about why it is you want him to choose to stay, as part of the solution.
Well, obviously he has developed a more significant linkwith the current world than any other. Reasons for this will depend on the MC's character. What are their priorities, what are they willing to fight for, do they want security? Might be helpful to think about why people choose to stay in their own country (family, and familiar culture mostly), and conversely, why some people choose to emigrate out (money, corrupt government, sick of the weather).
Take a look at how this situation pans out in many stories: A character enters a fantasy world and goes on an epic adventure. Usually the start of these adventures go like this: 1- They were unwilling (Author Dent) 2- They didn't realize what they were getting into (Bilbo Baggins) 3- They wanted to leave for personal reasons or because they knew they were the only ones to stop something (Eddie Riggs or Harry Potter respectfully) Some options are simple. The protagonist either finds they enjoy this new world and wants to stay or hey find that once they entered that strange world they can never go back to an ordinary life. The latter option is more interesting, in my opinion; Author Dent, after experience the whole of time and space as an intergalactic hitchhiker finds he can never settle down to the simple life he had dreamed about for years because of what he's seen. This way his life is never really complete and he'll feel like all he can do is adjust in this new world.