You don't. Aim at a goal, for example, protagonist dies: then think of a chain of events to reach that final goal.
What exactly do you mean by consistant? Do you mean there are not any plot holes? Do you mean flow of the plot development or action? Something else? Terry
^ I didnt know there was one with an e. Or maybe I did. Im not sure. This is what Im talking about. Sorry for the mist around the topic.
So far none of my stories have gotten to the point where I need to write anything down. I have a really good memory. But once you reach a certain point start writing any crucial details you think you need to remember. Then read, reread, and reread again after every few writing sessions. That should avoid any plot holes.
you need to do up a good plot outline, to make sure you haven't created a written version of swiss cheese... leaving all the details of a complex story like a novel up to memory is literary suicide, imo...