What is the correct spelling of 'onsite and 'offsite'? I've seen both with hyphens, I've seen both separate, and I've seen both together. In context, I am using the words for a bullet point. Example: Onsite and offsite recreational activities Any suggestions?
Did you try looking in dictionaries? I tried two, and both preferred the hyphenated forms on-site and off-site.
asking google and/or checking an online dictionary are a lot faster than asking people on a writing site to do it for you...
It's a very common pattern of change in language for two words that often go together to become hyphenated and then to become a single word. "On-site" and "off-site" are making that second shift at the moment, which is why you see both. You might still see "on site" and "off site" as separate words too. I don't think you should be criticised for any of those, but, as others have suggested, it would be safest to pick a dictionary you like and stick to what it suggests. Then you can defend yourself if somebody says you should have used one of the other versions.