Well, I have been writing for a while on and off. And my boy-man-toy-love is very rarely interested in my writings. He proposed that I should write something like Breaking Bad (his favorite show) or Burn Notice (his other favorite show) and that it would be 'really cool'. (haha) I tried to write a crime/spy/military-ish novel before but everything was just SOOOOOO PLAYED OUT. There are a lot of creative people on here and maybe someone has a good idea that could spark my imagination. I really enjoy writing from new perspectives so this could be fun.
When it comes down to it, almost every single idea is played out. The same themes and ideas have been used for hundreds and hundreds of years. The basic concept of Romeo and Juliet had been used before Shakespeare, and continues to make millions of dollars for people who use it after (see: Greece, High School Musical). Chances are, you (and others) are not going to stumble upon the worlds most original idea. However, a good story is often a basic plot told in a unique light. For example, what if (using the Romeo and Juliet theme) one of the family members had been fine with their union? But that family member turns out mysteriously dead? Boom. Right there, you've taken a typical theme and spun it around (to be clear, I'm not sure if that idea has been done, but you get the point). I don't have experience in the crime/thriller genre, but I can give you this advice: think about what you like about certain shows or books that fall into the catagory you want to write. Find out what they do well, and what they do wrong. Take the good, out with the bad. Using the good styles and approaches to a story, think of a unique way tell the story. It's easier said than done, but it's certainly much easier than searching the universe for the "golden idea." Good luck.
Thanks a lot. What an inside view on a DEA agent who hates his job and slowly starts selling the drugs he confiscates to pay for someother type of fix or addiction? To be honest, I want to write something that a guy would want to read. I'm not talking about all you smart guys on here who write and read because they like it, I want a book that my friends or my man would want to read. Any tips on that too?
Ask H.I.M. what it is about those shows that appeals to him. Obviously the genres are not played out. The popularity of these shows and the corresponding novels proves that. Individual story ideas are not even slightly unique, so don't worry about that aspect. So it's other aspects - appealing characters, danger, action, beautiful women, exotic locales, sharp dialogue, clever humor... Quiz him. He probably won't mention the hot babes, but include them in the writing anyway. After you quiz him, watch the shows, paying attention to the nuances of the writing. And pick up some good spy thrillers. One that stands out for me is Circus by Alistair Maclean. For movies, watch Hitchcock's North by Northwest. or Mirage starring Gregory Peck. But it may not be your cuppa as a writer. If you don't love the genre, it probably won't be your forte.
Thanks that was helpful. And I was just told my DEA idea is basically Bad Lietenant. I have a few glimmers of ideas in my head. I like to write as many different people, I like to sit and look through the eyes of a 45 year old obese man or the fragile queen of a fantasy world and really wonder what they would do in a certain situation, I guess I sorta 'get off on that' if you will? ha
Don't write a book for him. Find s aboo kyou want to do becasue it interests you. As for creativity, its easier than you think. Watch a film and pause it half way through. What way do you think it will end. Then after it, what way should it have ended, what would you have changed, what would have made it better. Which scene coud haveben funnier, more emotional etc. Find a topic you love and then twist it in a way you would like to see. The more you add your own twists, the more unique it will become. Kind regards
thanks superman :] I've always wanted to conquer that tom clancy voodoo that most men seem to be under. In my world, I just don't know any guys who read, and I want to change that.
I've never cared much for Tom Clancy's writing. I haven't taken the trouble to analyze what it is about his writing I dislike, though.
Oh, Burn Notice, you so silly. He sounds like he's more interested in tension and drama than action. If he likes other shows like House MD, NCIS, or Suits, I'd say try a character-driven story with some tension between the leads. Once you've established the characters, anything they do will be amusing as long as the tension exists.
I've never read Tom Clancy either, but I was quite suprised to hear that after my friend got out of jail he said those books are popular in the joint. lol I'm not sure. I think why he (and I, really) like Burn Notice is how they explain all the crazy ideas and show you how to do stuff. If you've seen the show you know what I mean.
You should be writing to please yourself, not to please someone else. Unless of course, you are contracted to write something for someone... such as a script for a TV series, etc. If the other half isn't interested in reading what you write, then find someone else who is.
Open a dictionary at a random page, close your eyes, point, and see which word you've chosen. Now write a short story based on that word - either you gotta use it or make it the theme of your story, or something. Or pick an object around the room. Write short story. The key really is just get writing. I find the above methods work for me - if I just start telling a story, the more I talk/write, the more ideas come to me. It's kinda how I pass all my exams - my mind's a blank until my pen hits the paper and then ideas just come one after the next And in the end - back to fiction - I usually wanna actually sit down and write it. I often don't, but it's at least made me wanna write! Try Stieg Larsson - it's rather excessively violent, but I rather enjoyed the writing, his characters are fascinating (esp. Salander) and the way the plot twists and turns is quite clever and often surprised me. Not like gob-smack shock, but it made me laugh because it was clever and deliciously so in places. How about play Cluedo with someone? (I think the Americans call it Clue) - the locked-room mystery board game. You can, if you can be bothered to put in all the effort, run a murder mystery dinner party. You come up with a murder mystery plot and you assign your guests with secret roles, and they must act according to their roles. And during the cause of the night they must work out who at the table is the murderer I've never played and I'm not nearly smart enough to host one, but I'd LOVE to attend one! This might inspire a few characters and stories Not sure if this is what you're looking for... hope it helps anyway.