For my most recent work, I need a list of countries and their natural resources, their attitude towards other countries, stuff like that. This is based on Earth. Countries like; Russia Canada China United States Australia Mexico France England Basically all the major countries on Earth.
The question confuses me. Do you want us to research these countries for you? This may be what you need: The CIA World Factbook. Don't let the CIA part fool you, it's a country by country breakdown of useful demographics.
I second Ginger. Also, hate to sound like a dick, but we honestly don't have the time to go research every single major country in the world for you, this task is for you alone. If you've questions to ask during your research, feel free to let us know.
Canada has a complex relation with the U.S. Somewhat like-dislike with Mexico. Our current PM is more vocal than average against Russia. A favourable, but largely irrelevent relation to the rest of Europe. Good impression of Australia. Largely okay with China, but occasionally want to give it moral advice or protect ourselves from its monetary investment here (e.g., buying oil fields) or jobs being moved there.
Oh. I realize my mistake now... Sorry! I guess what I was asking was, well, I don't know. I was just being lazy Sorry, I want some useful websites to help me. If only I could edit the main post! D: I think I was asking from personal experience. Like a German writer could tell me about Germany, etc.
Like GingerCoffee said, CIA World FactBook is pretty good and concise. BBC actually has a pretty good list of country profiles. And while it's not authoritative, Wikipedia usually is not bad and tends to link back to authoritative sources. Another trick is, if you're looking for who produces a certain product...let's say oranges...the way you research that isn't by looking country by country. You research the Orange Industry and look for lists of leading producers. I'm not sure there's a concise list of every economic factor in every country - that would be huge - but that's essentially what encyclopedias are for. And encyclopedias do actually give you a decent, concise snapshot of countries and industries.
Unfortunately, for figuring out which countries are in alliance or what they think of other countries - you're probably going to have to research that on a case-by-case basis.
just googling - maybe something like this. It's not authoritative but it's a start
Now I have another question: What countries do you consider to be major countries? Right now, I'm thinking; Canada United States Russia Mexico Germany Am I missing any notable countries? (Just because a country is small, doesn't mean it's not powerful.)
China - India - United Kingdom - France - Australia (Small but regionally dominant) - Brazil - Japan - Iran - Saudi Arabia - Israel (smalll but drives a lot of policy) - Pakistan (has nukes) - North Korea (crazy and has nukes). It's entirely subjective.
Oh... Insert face palm gif here Well, thanks for reminding me! XD I would like, say, 10-15 more countries so I can choose a few of those per chapter. My list now (so people don't give duplicates); Canada United States Russia Mexico Germany China India United Kingdom France Australia Brazil Japan Iran Saudi Arabia Israel Pakistan North Korea
Hmmmm - 1o more past that? Okay let's play SECOND TIER REGIONAL POWER ROULETTE! South Korea (kind of important if you have North) Taiwan (if you have China this is important) Italy (that's a nice big European nation) South Africa (Regional hegemon for Southern Africa) Nigeria (Regional hegemon for West Africa) Kenya (Regional hegemon for East Africa) Argentina (Biggest South American nation after Brazil) Egypt (Oh look, a powder keg!) Bangladesh (much larger population than you think) Indonesia (Important meeting point for three regions) New Zealand (lots of interests in the Pacific) Ukraine (Nice big East European nation) Venezuela (crazy government, lots of oil) Chile (richest country in that region I think) Colombia (Security issues) Pick one: Thailand/Burma/Vietnam (yay, Southeast Asia!) Kazakhstan (Because I can and because you get another Former Soviet) Poland (Big central European economy) Sweden (oh, I almost forgot Scandinavia).
Since you're including crazy governments, Syria has been the center for a lot of conflict recently. Turkey is definitely a regional power in the Middle East.
Turkey. Definitely Turkey. Thanks. Knew I was forgetting someone. They're ahead of half the people on my list. As for Syria - I'm not sure I'd consider that a "country" at the moment. It's more like a blank space on the map that a bunch of people are fighting over. But that brings up a point that geopolitics is not always driven by areas of power, but also areas of CONFLICT - which would be places like Syria, Iraq, Somalia, Gaza, DR Congo, etc.
It really comes down to what OP means by 'major countries' I suppose. Does major mean it has a large impact on the world, or that they have the largest economies, or the largest militaries or the highest population or something else?
Try looking up a list of IGOs, who their members are and what goals the IGOs have. For example, looking up information on NATO(US, Canada + Western Bloc) or the CSTO(Russia + CIS/Eastern Bloc) can identify their views toward one another, as well as who is a member f which and to what extent they are active in said organization. This example covers the US, most of Europe, Russia proper and Central Asia.