Oh man, admittedly, I am a little more in touch with my feminine side than most guys, but this made me cry a lot more than I anticipated. http://twistedsifter.com/videos/young-couple-gets-increasingly-aged-with-make-up-and-revealed-to-each-other/
It's almost a shame that you can't drag your loved one to a nearby make-up artist's place and do this. Would be great to experience, in my eyes.
Oh, I know.... I have this guy who I like, and man....if we ever got serious, I would love to do that. I'd be crying so much.
I'm not sure I would wanna do an experiment like this. I find myself praying, just every so often, that God would let us grow old together. Age isn't something that's celebrated usually but I'm starting to realise the privilege of growing old - and growing old together - isn't something everyone has. As such, I don't particularly want to be reminded how short our lives are, as this kinda experiment would!