1. Mya_CloeyZoey

    Mya_CloeyZoey Member

    Mar 18, 2017
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    Creating a Character With Multiple Identities

    Discussion in 'Character Development' started by Mya_CloeyZoey, Mar 19, 2017.

    I am currently writing a story about a girl who gets in a car crash only to wake up in a science lab hooked up to a machine. She is told her entire life as she knows it was an illusion created by the machine. She is told by other scientists that she was the maker of the machine and wanted to test it out on herself but it ended up wiping her memory. Throughout the story she will meet other people who each claim she is someone else. The main character will end up with 4 identities (before car crash, scientist, rebel leader, and orphan girl who disappeared from her village). The story is her journey to find out which identity is really hers as she tries to survive in a corrupt dystopian world. All four identities are the same girl and she doesn't flip between them like multiple personality disorder. That would make their character traits and personalities mostly the same but I also want each identify to be unique in its own way.

    Any ideas on how to make them blur together but still be slightly unique?

    Also any ideas on how to smoothly transition between them?
  2. SoulFire

    SoulFire Active Member Contest Winner 2024

    Mar 17, 2017
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    Currently Reading::
    American Dirt by Jeanine Cummins
    The first thing that I think of is the fact that our personalities and behaviors are heavily influenced by life experiences. As a result, each person will react differently to things around them as a result of what has happened to them before. Granted, if she has no memories at all, then I guess these identities will not affect her personality at all, so that makes me wonder why you would ever need to transition between them? Currently, it would be other people telling her she was one way or another, but that would not really impact the way she behaves.

    This is more of an issue relating to the characters who knew who she used to be (or rather who they thought she was, or want to convince her she was) rather than her character herself.
  3. Cave Troll

    Cave Troll It's Coffee O'clock everywhere. Contributor

    Aug 8, 2015
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    Where cushions are comfy, and straps hold firm.
    Speech patterns will be different, along with mannerisms
    that are unique to each persona.

    Though since you are using a complicated multi-identity
    of the same person from various points in time, will not
    be so simple to pull off. It seems based on the info
    provided, they could use some form of tech to correct
    and restore the person back to their original time identity.
    Considering they are not doing some 'garage science lab'
    type work, they will have at least another colleague who
    would certainly be aware of the others work and then
    set about finding a solution and get them back.

    If she was sciencing solo, then undoubtedly over time
    surrounded by other people she knows that know her
    and the slew of evidence of what she was doing at the
    time of the incident would be enough to have her figure
    out her present time identity, and realize that the others
    are just fragments of the past.

    Essentially from what I gather, is that you want to take
    the amnesia/memory wipe route, and replace it with
    memories that already exist? First contradiction I can
    find in your plan, is that if she wiped her memory in
    the experiment, how can she take on past personas?
    No memory, means no past exp. to create past self.
    Not sure how the rules of memory wiping work in
    the universe you have created, but it should be explained
    as to what memories are erased. Involuntary functions
    will still be there as they are not memories, but basic
    bodily functions built into the brain-stem.
    So perhaps instead of going full memory wipe,
    try having them scrambled like a bunch of different
    programs that do not function properly when meshed
    to any other programs. Though in either case of wipe
    or scramble, you had better have a good explanation on
    how to mess with the electromanetic/bio-chemical make
    up of the brain to such a degree that it re-wires itself tot
    allow the plot of your story to work.
    SoulFire likes this.
  4. Mya_CloeyZoey

    Mya_CloeyZoey Member

    Mar 18, 2017
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    You to both make marvelous points about how without memories she has no reason to switch between them at all. I never thought of it that way.
    Simpson17866 likes this.
  5. Mya_CloeyZoey

    Mya_CloeyZoey Member

    Mar 18, 2017
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    Thanks for your help! This helped a lot and completely changed how the characters are going behave and interact with each other.
    Cave Troll likes this.
  6. SoulFire

    SoulFire Active Member Contest Winner 2024

    Mar 17, 2017
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    Currently Reading::
    American Dirt by Jeanine Cummins
    Glad to help! Feel free to message me if you would like help with anything else!

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