I think it's a good idea, don't get me wrong; but some of us -- namely, me -- aren't really in any position to add constructive criticism. I'm here to improve my writing and I'm almost a complete novice. I try to go through various postings to meet my quota, but I just can't seem to find anything more constructive than "Good Poem," "Bad Poem," "I liked this poem," "I liked this particular sentence," etc, etc... Should I just lurk until I feel adequate enough to offer truly constructive criticism? Or can I offer what I have and expect it to fulfill the requirements concerning posting your own work to be reviewed?
The Review Room is a critiquing workshop for learning to critique effectively. Self critique is a vital skill for a writer, for the revision process and for continual improvement of your writing skills. Please read How to Use the Review Room, Why Write Reviews Before Posting My Work?, and Constructive Critiques. The only way to get good at it is to practice.