The civilization is around a billion years old. It uses warm Sphesterci, which is based on energy. And cold Sphesterci, which is based on matter. Cold Sphesterci = Matter, such as crystals, valuable minerals, other valuable matter. In this universe, there also exists a form of programmable matter, that can take any form, this matter is a bit regulated, though. Warm Sphesterci = Energy, this idea is a bit more diffuse and I do not really know what type of currency this might be. I've considered that it might be digital currency, but I do not know how it gains its value or how it might work. I'm not very educated in the area. In my universe I might leave the currency obscure and just mention that they "traded in warm Sphesterci" and leave it at that, not go into the details. However, for my own sake, I would like to understand it more. The currencies should be convertible from cold to warm and vice versa. The currencies are either highly regulated or not at all depending on where in the universe you are. In a core galaxy, for example, it might be highly regulated and traced. While in a galaxy on the outer rim of civilization, they trade mostly in cold, untraced Sphesterci. I know the name Sphesterci is a mouthful, but that is common with names from my universe. I've also considered the name Sphesterni. What are your thoughts on this currency system? How can I improve it? What are your thoughts for a currency system for a billion year old civilization? Thank you for your attention.
The major question is , is it important to the plot? If its not just press on with the story without worrying too much about what they are. the other thing that springs to mind is that something called Sphesterci. is going to acquire a nickname thats easier to say
Good points. Right now it's not going to be visited in-depth in my first book, and it is unlikely to be very detailed in the book series. But for my short story series, it might come up further along in the series, since it deals with a smuggler/pirate who trades in both traced, untraced, cold, and warm Sphesterci. He might need to do some money laundering. And there it might be necessary for me to understand and develop the system a bit more. But I'm not quiet there, yet. As for nicknames, I've got some in mind. And since the universe is so big, places and groups might have different names for the currency. Yeah it makes sense that such a mouthful will get a nickname.
Personally, I would think a billion year old society would have evolved beyond the need for a currency. A billion years is a LONG time. Modern humans have only been around for 50,000 years and our own civilisations have been around for a few thousand. Humans can underestimate the scale of such vast numbers.
I was gonna say, do you need a currency? To be sure, over a billion years, society can go in all kinds of directions. It's hard imagining societies being arranged radically differently from our own- hence so many philosophers, insightful or imaginative in many others areas, seem to treat their contemporary social conditions as eternal laws. But sometimes things can change virtually overnight. As Lenin said somewhere, "There are decades where nothing happens, and there are weeks where decades happen."
There are plot reasons for why the civilization has not evolved beyond the need for currency, reasons I'd rather not spoil here, since people can easily track my writing profile to my profile here. I'd rather not spoil a large plot point for people just in case they find their way here. Suffice to say, a lot can happen in a billion years. ETA: Which is to say, I've got no readers right now. But this is protection for future potential readers.
Loved your idea of currencies existing in twofold form. It would be even better if the cold and warm forms interact with each other uniquely, though. Perhaps more spending of the cold Sphesterci would annihilate some of them and create more warm Sphesterci, which modifies their value, and unused warm Sphesterci (as in not being used in active transactions) will crystallize it and create new cold Sphesterci? That had the potential of causing a unique economy in which its ups and downs go in line with the ebb and flow of the very universe itself. Also, I don't think "Sphesterci" is a mouthful. People will always find ways to abbreviate and simplify pronunciations for words. I say keep it, especially since it's tied to the names from your universe. And yeah, I don't see any problems with a billion-year old civilization still using currencies. Your currencies are different, and you'd likely want your readers to be able to relate to it anyway.
I really like your idea of the currencies interacting with each other and are connected to the universe. Thank you for your comment.
Consider the science of a civilization as old as you are talking about for a minute. With your currencies being one matter the other energy, Wouldn't such an advanced civilization be able to convert matter to energy and vice versa? I could see a case where the core worlds used the energy based currency, but for trade with the outer fringe needed to trade it for the matter based currency. This could be due to problems with the banking system in dealing with communications lack times. Even an FTL communications system could have issues with crossing hundreds if not thousands of light years, in terms of lag times.
Thank you for the comment and thoughts, @w. bogart Yes, cold Sphesterci is probably mostly traded in the fringes of civilization, while warm Sphesterci is pretty much standard in the core galaxies. There is FTL communication and it is instant within the established satellite network. Outside the network, communication is significantly harder, but not impossible. Regarding conversion, I may as well touch on a plot point here but not elaborate on it. Technology in this society is still a bit diffuse for me as I have not established everything fully yet. For example, I keep going back and forth regarding how AI is implemented. And as to conversion, I will simply say that there are different echelons of society who have access to different types of technology, there, I hope that is spoiler free.
It is your world, so it will work how you want it to. The communications problem was an attempt to give you a logical reason for the different currencies.
I hope questions count as thoughts: With this currency system, what's it like buying a hotdog at a street vendor? And what's the hotdog transaction like in the outer reaches of galaxies where they deal in cold Sphesterci?
For the first question, they just send warm Sphesterci to the vendor via a sort of bracelet/watch device on their wrist. The vendor might also take cold Sphesterci to aid refugees that come from the fringes. These refugees may not have much warm Sphesterci. In the fringes, the street vendor probably only deals in cold Sphesterci, so you give him a coin worth 50 Sterci, the food costs 10, then he gives you back 40 Sterci from his register benath the wagon, where he also keeps his shotgun.
It is sounding to me like you have an interesting idea, and are trying to turn it into a story. I maybe wrong on that. And it is not a bad place to start from. I would suggest reading Adam Smith's "the wealth of Nations." Or some other book(s) on economics to help flesh out your ideas. A resource I have found useful. You might also find this useful. Fantasy Worldbuilding Questions: Commerce, Trade, and Public Life Good Luck with your project.
The Stormlight Archive uses 'spheres' as its currency, essentially gems. These are known as 'done spheres' or 'spent spheres'. Except every few weeks a ferocious storm called a high storm comes and infuses any spheres that were left outside. Now they glow and contain an electricity-like energy that can be used to power things. Thus the one form of currency has two forms. 'Done' and 'infused'. Cashflow no object they are worth the same, but it you really needed the energy you might exchange multiple 'done' spheres for some 'infused' spheres. Possible model for you.
Since you mentioned this is a series, I imagine you're still writing it so I'll venture a suggestion: Mini flexible solar panels could be used as currency. Each hand size ultra lightweight flexible panel could represent a certain value of potential energy that panel can derive from your sci-fi civilization's sun. The panels therefore could be used as individual units of currency or fitted into a larger solar array to produce actual energy for a citizen in possession of enough panels...thus having dual value. This would tie the civilizations' monetary system directly to the natural energy output of its local star and suggest to the reader that any advanced civilization would be in total sync and balance with their main source of natural and environmentally-friendly energy.