Given these are mostly on television, I thought entertainment was the best category. From time to time, certain commercials really get my goat. Here are two of my current pet peeves: The commercial that claims there is a disorder called "Non-24". No, there isn't. Not unless you call the problem of needing an alarm clock to get up and distractions that keep one from going to sleep a disorder. This is not the first illness that was invented to sell a product. The second one annoying the heck out of me is the sexist commercial where the gal claims she "needs" to watch a sappy movie and the guy wants to see the end of some ball game. If they would have just made the two of them argue over what to watch, or even just had the gal say it was a movie she really wanted to see, but no, they had to put the gal saying, "I need this." What a croc. And one that is merely annoying: The car commercial where there are a couple old ladies who make a really stupid joke about a guy's ass. It's sooo poorly done. The other versions of the commercial are just as stupid.
The Mazda commercials in which some fucking "visionary" is brought up, and then tied in no real way to some feature on their fucking car is particularly enraging. Edison's innovation isn't "the Mazda way" unless the Mazda way is to cripple the achievements of far greater minds than their own, just to make a buck.
Teenage Wasteland music in the background makes no sense either. Most of the recent car commercials are full of it, they want you to think their cars are so special when the cars are hardly that different.
That's exactly with this subforum is for, things pertaining to Television, Film, Music, and Gaming. At some point recently it got repurposed to mean "Lounge-Lite". That use is incorrect, though I, unfortunately, understand how it came to be. I will be repatriating threads to their correct locations when I have time. --------------------------------------------------- Many commercials tend to bother me, but purely from a linguistics standpoint. I cannot abide the overuse of the definite article, meant to solidify in the mind of the listener that these are the things that they do want. Nor can I abide being told by some actor that whatever product they are pushing is guaranteed to fulfill the need that I was unaware I had. I know myself as a consumer. I know what my needs are and what they aren't.
True! I have a DVR in every room where there's a TV. I let the show run for like 15 min before I start watching to give me that buffer zone to FFW over.
Anyone who watches TV during the day would cheerfully throttle the actors in the Liberty Mutual car insurance commercials (played every single commercial break) as well as Alex Trebek (life insurance scam) and Fred Thompson (reverse mortgage scam). The Big Four auto insurance companies all claim that no matter which company you switch from, or to, you'll save about $400, a mathematical impossibility.
I don't watch tv anymore. Stopped about six years ago and even then they stank. The Charmin bears were cute though. Commercials haven't been fun since the 80's. I liked jingles.
I got rid of cable a couple years ago. Now I watch TV through Netflix, Hulu, or the channel app. Unfortunately, I still sit through commercials on some shows. What really sucks, if the commercial is irritating - it is replayed every single commercial break. For instance, the Geico commercial where the actors freeze after a couple seconds, and the announcer says, "You can't skip this commercial..."
I'm sure this has been said hundreds of times before, but every single Progressive Auto Insurance commercial.
TV commericals don't normally bother me that much but......has anybody been forced to keep seeing this guy on every Youtube video? This guy. Allllllll the time.
Sweet Christ, yeah. Or if the video is separated via multiple 'commercials' and it's the same damned thing hundreds of times?
Did you see that he made a new one where he added a Ferrari? I was treated to that one recently. And might I add that his expression in the thumbnail doesn't do him any favors?
I've only had Netflix for the past two years, and I always hated commercials. But I have to say, I never thought I'd be missing out on such a large chunk of Pop Culture by eliminating them from my life. I can't tell you how many conversations I have each week that go like this: "Oh! Have you seen that commercial where ..." "No, I don't have cable." "Oh ... " *Silence*
I've been seeing a lot of propaganda cigarette commercials that bug me. Now I'm not a smoker but when half of your 70+ family members smoke and half of your friends smoke then you get to know what it does to a person. Yes it is bad for you and I love commercials that say that because people should be well informed, but when you start trying to say smoking makes you a bad person that really gets under my skin. Like no, bugger off!
Most annoy me. I like creative commercials, because they're really just clever short films, but generally the ads bug me. The main reason is that most commercials are advertising something I am not in the market for and will not be buying. I do not drive, so I do not need car insurance, or a new car, or any of that shit. When I click on Youtube clips and can't skip the ad because I'm not in the market and have zero need for the message, it really annoys me.
There should be legislation that every ad played must finance the creation and transmission of its parody. Oh deity of doodoo, here's a rap from one of his "clients": Follow these 67 steps to reach 6% bodyfat in 32 days!!
It was because he was able to learn read five books at once. Obviously don't watch the entire video but as you can see his reading skill has doubled which means his knowledge has which means his wealth has and thus Ferrari. Ferrari!!!
He can't even invest in a tripod. I take it none of his book learning has included Idiots guide to videography.
While not a current commercial(or maybe it is?) TNT had a commercial for its app. It showed a few short scenes of a guy walking his dog, a couple cops outside of a bank, a ME in a morgue. All of them were watching some relevant show as something potentially horrible happens. Dog gets eaten by some mutant alien. Bank gets robbed. The dead guy comes back to life. I think there was another one but I can't remember it. Look all I'm saying is if the zombie apocalypse/alien(or mutant monster) happens and someone could have warned or prevented it but didn't because they were busy watching g some show on an app... I'm going to be pissed. While I do actually like the commercial it mad me aware of a trend where using the product makes you unaware and stupid. That using this product can actually be bad for you but hey at least you get to enjoy X! If is/was a bad trend(I don't watch enough tv to pay attention to these things.) Oh not so long ago I saw a commercial eerily similar to the Head On one *shudders*