I just read this article about L.A. County going cuss free for a certain period of time. A 15 year old from a No Cussing Club is the idea man behind it. Interesting. A good idea really. But how long is it going to be before everything is outlawed in CA?!
I think it's a wonderful idea and all but unfortunately I have my doubts in it. For instance, my school we have TEACHERS who cuss. How on earth do they expect the students to go a day without cussing?
I'm a writer. I love words... colorful, colorful words. Unless it's hate-speech, I can't stand people taking away perfectly good adjectives... or nouns... or verbs... or - heck, cuss words are just magical when it comes to the creative ways you can use them. What would I yell at my boyfriend before I throw the 360 controller at him? I mean, really, he would have no warning. Not swearing would be irresponsible of me.
Well, in the article it said that the kid didn't expect it to cuss out all swearing completely. He just wanted to raise awareness of how much is actually being said. Something about getting along better, or having more respect for each other.
I didn't read the article, but technically wouldn't it be impossible to "outlaw" swearing? Especially considering freedom of speech laws. In general, though, I think it's a good idea. There are no bad words, only a bad time to use them. In some cases, most of the time is a bad time to use a word.
It is against the U.S. Consitution first ammendment rights, but also I think you can get in trouble for swearing in public. I heard this story once of a guy, that got taken to court for swearing where a christian family could hear him. I don't know if it was true or not. I think the thing in LA County is more of a social experiment thing than a law. They said there would be no punishment or anything if you did swear. I would post the link, but I am not allowed.
...maybe the *-ing machine thinks it's a term of endearment ?! ahhh, bugger it. - as for the no swearing idea - the world around me would grind to a sodding stop in minutes!
If you stop the swearing in the world (say if you actually COULD) Physical violence will go up 20,000% i bet
LOL, that's stupid. I cuss frequently and I don't see anything wrong with that. It's just words, and it helps me express myself sometimes in what feels like a better way than some other words or actions can. It's no big deal. My friends and I joke around with each other all the time, using cuss words a lot. My family too. It's NO big deal. My god, some people are just so strict and concerned with what OTHER people do, it's annoying. It's not hurting anyone and frankly it's none of anyone's business what harmless (yes, most every cuss word is pretty HARMLESS) words I use during my day. To that whole campaign, I say: STFU.
No need for stress. In the future we'll clone stress sheep. Get stressed, go punch a sheep. Repeat as many times as possible. I dont condem hurting animals......only cloned animals
I have always wondered what actually constitutes a bad word. I mean they are all just little innocent words. Maybe we abuse them. We are word abusers, and we get away with it. I feel naughty.
HA! That's great. I gave up cursing and taking the Lord's name in vain up ffor Lent. It's been simultaneously hard and easy at the same time.
That's just. Odd. I dont like cursing, although I do curse frequently; I'm trying to limit myself. I feel like it works against me as a well-spoken person in most instances... But to make it a general rule? Concerning.