This thread is for all discussion regarding Cyberpunk 2786A.D. Las Vegas. I'm in need of food so will cook for the family and then I'll write up the first post and its up to you who joins. The reason I ask whos retuning is because of the story arch. I need to be able to incorperate returning characters to the story. Las Vegas is very different to 2766A.D. And should be much better game playing. The one thing I ask is please let me know if any of you will be abscent for long periods of time like 48 hours plus. Its only fair to be able to compensate regarding the story and charaters waiting in limbo. If you feel you'll be gone days please PM me or Visitor profile me and then make a post seperating yourselfs until you return. I will not kill off characters that are away if I'm notified first. I can't say fairer than that. And thanks to everyone adding Cyber Punks to your Sigs. Heres hoping you do for Vegas. hint hint. When its up that is.
Thanks for a really fun RPG Raven. Looking forward to your next one. With that said, Ok... lest all have a "cool down" moment. And start this later this evening... when I get back that is... and I still need to figure out who/what I am going to be replacing "Ghost" with in CP-Vegas I have some fun ideas brewing.
i'm already on the new sig! XD i'll fix the link when i have a thread to link it to lookin forward to it! WOOOOT!
I have a question when it comes to only having two augments. What about the characters from the last story that had to get more due to injuries? Do we keep the augments from the last game, or do some of them simply diseppear?
The only Augments disallowed are the nanites if you had augments in 2766 then you will still have them. Just no nanite technology.
I also have a question about their age. Since they don't age while they were frozen, do we write their age when they were frozen (Which would be their genetic age) or their age starting from when they were born (their chronological age)? I fully admit that I might be over thinking this.
When you was Born. Its true when frozen you won't age but your age is from birth. However You may add a side note saying about your freezing. As in minus 20 years or more for those who are just joining.
Quick Question: Since they are frozen, like Demolition Man, did they also get some kind of subliminal programing, like sewing, knitting, gardening, (along with the subconscious desire to do said tasks) etc skills to reintegrated back into society? Just wondering. I know if they do then you the GM would pick what they were programmed with.
Hey guys, Okay, I'm making it official, on the forums where everyone can see, and my own retardedness doesn't confuse anyone anymore. Spence is in the game. I had had reservations about putting him in due to the aging and all that, but now that I've actually seen the backstory; yup, he's gonna stay. Sorry to Raven especially for the mix-up in our PM discussions. Sorry again, guys! Should be awesome, though!
But I gotta pay for my really awesome augments some how How you think I got to play something as cool as Ghost the first time?
just to say. This game is a trilogy and there there is a third and final game after this one. I have given a name to the third game. Cyberpunk III 2836A.D. Mars. Because the first game was so much fun I devised the story arch to sprout two sequels taking the game in three very different directions. So though this games yet to start I just thought I'd wet your appitites a litle more.