1. Justin Ladobruk

    Justin Ladobruk Active Member

    Jul 1, 2013
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    Daemonic Earth

    Discussion in 'Setting Development' started by Justin Ladobruk, Jul 1, 2013.

    First; greetings. I'm new to the forum, so this is where I'll say 'hello'. I've recently decided I should get back into writing fantasy (I used to write fantasy short stories quite often, but haven't in several years). Previously, I wouldn't stick to my project and I wouldn't develop my setting prior to starting my projects, leaving me with little background to work from that would develop as I wrote, rather than having a story take place in a setting. It ended up being rather chaotic and sometimes inconsistent.

    With that in mind, I started a blog where I've begun writing down my ideas as they come to mind. It looks very chaotic and jumps around a bit, as I find it helps the process. I decided that some feedback would be welcome, so I'm posting the work I've done so far on my first setting.

    If you want to skip the process that I went through and just see the finished work so far, skip to the bottom post.

    Base Background
    Followers of Joshua
    The Good Guys
    Dietary Laws
    The Crusaders
    What to call it...
    Daemonic Earth So Far
    Critique, suggestions and questions are welcome. Please don't point out the obvious and tell me this could offend Christians. I already know that. If you are offended, my apologies, but this is just a fantasy setting that I thought up one day.
  2. Juju Bagdasarian

    Juju Bagdasarian Member

    May 9, 2013
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    hello hoffer you story sounds intresting but you need to brush your History just to be certain that what you write is good , Jesus is a cool name, i like it :D
    Data , data , data you can't make bricks without clay.
    I think that i can't critique though because of the forum rules . Cogito will probably inform you about those or one of the moderators.
    Anyway Welcome :D.
  3. GingerCoffee

    GingerCoffee Web Surfer Girl Contributor

    Mar 3, 2013
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    Ralph's side of the island.
    Just because he used the word critique ...

    He didn't post his work and ask for a critique of the work. There is nothing against the forum rules in the OP that I can see.

    I wouldn't call all that setting, jmhoffer. Your questions seem more directed toward everything from character to plot.

    It sounds like you might get most of what you need in the "Base Background" from Google and other research. I'm not sure what your questions for us specifically are.

    As for the other questions, I think if you are planning on writing a series of stories within this world, you have enough to write a pilot story. It will give you a better idea if you're on the right track.
  4. Juju Bagdasarian

    Juju Bagdasarian Member

    May 9, 2013
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    Owww i didn't notice the section he posted.
  5. Justin Ladobruk

    Justin Ladobruk Active Member

    Jul 1, 2013
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    I think that really provided all I really needed. This is more of a world building exercise and it's development. I was looking to see if there were really any logical inconsistencies or if maybe someone had some better ideas than the conclusions I went with.
  6. Cogito

    Cogito Former Mod, Retired Supporter Contributor

    May 19, 2007
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    Massachusetts, USA
    A story concept means nothing. What matters is how you write it: the characterization, the flow, the imagery, all of it.

    There's absolutely no benefit in asking what other people think of the concept! They'll either say,"Sounds great," or, "it sounds like a ripoff of..."

    If the idea stirs you, write it. Then ask people what they think of the final story. After they tell you what they don't like about it, revise it, usually several times, until you're happy with it or until you throw up your hands and say the hell with it.

    Please read What is Plot Creation and Development?

    Also, please read the site rules. You are posting for feedback, and all writing posted for comment must be in the Writing Workshop, after meeting the prerequisites.
  7. Justin Ladobruk

    Justin Ladobruk Active Member

    Jul 1, 2013
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    Sorry, I misread a rule and thought this didn't qualify. I won't post anything like this in the future.

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