In E.M Forster's A Room with a View George says: "My father says that there is only one perfect view--the view of the sky straight over our head" and cecil replied "I expect your father has been reading Dante" I have been trying to find a link or a quote from Dante but cannot find it. canto 4 is one possibility... Any ideas?
Cecil is making a joke. In The Comedy the sky, and stars in particular, signify the presence of God. And Canto 4 is in Limbo, where Dante meets Homer and other virtuous Pagans like Virgil. Dante is already in Hell.
Thank you Lemex this is ver helpful. Infierno is quite an interesting part I think. I was just reading about how this is quite a strong vision it reminded me of when MPs or individuals get knighted by the queen they have to walk backward too. I have just find out about the expression Poetic Justice