Ok, so this is like an interview I'm making to get some oppinions. If you've got a moment, please see if you can answer these questions. Basically, get yourself in the mindset of this situation: Dating both twins? Yes or no? Somehow, this comes to your door, a proposal to date identical twins (their gender being whatever's your preference) and be in a relationship with both of them. It's both or nothing, you can't pick just one. Oh, and the twins ARE perfectly fine with it. In fact, they want it this way. Do you jump right in? Does the proposal sounds you too good to believe? Do you hesite and/or reject it? And if so, why? Does dating two people at the same time sound like way too much problem, perhaps more than it may be worth it? Or is this a fantasy come true? Whatever you can tell me will be helpful. Please and thank you.
I'd guess 99% of the male population would jump at the chance to date two girls at the same time and only a few of those men would be freaked out by the fact that the girls were twins. Sorry, but the premise sounds an awful lot like a wish fulfillment fantasy or the setting to a cheesy porn flick.
From the viewpoint of a woman, I find the prospect horrifying. I find it impossible to envision the situation as a woman dating identical male twins, and I am assuming that the scenario is meant for a man dating identical women twins. As T alluded to above, it sounds like a basic porn-type story, with sex as the main locus of the story and the fetish aspect of identical twins performing sexual acts on the male character. You really could not have any sort of mature or deep relationship in the way you've presented the proposition here. I could see it possibly working, in a scenario that has been done before but not in the identical twin situation (at least as far as I've read -- maybe it has been done), where the man meets both twins separately and ends up falling in love with both without really intending to do so. The dilemma becomes how to sort it all out. But, as far as: the twins are f-cked up in the head. Only someone with severe emotional and psychological issues would desire this.
Allow me to echo Liz'z words here. This would mean, at least in part, that the twins had given in to the cultural idea that twins are one person in two bodies. Most identical twins fight this paradigm for all they're worth, as would anyone, twin or not, when seen as less or other than a complete, sovereign individual. And as already mentioned, this scenario is a staple of both str8 and gay porn. You'll have a bit of a job getting around that bit.
I submit to you this handy illustration of how damn near everyone would react to that proposal, OP. You're not going to get a wide variety of responses here. Of course a relationship with two of them might be difficult, but pretty much everyone you ask - regardless of gender - is going to want to try.
I've got to make a clarification here -- although I'm sure that a pretty high percentage of men would be game to have sex with two women, I am a woman, and I have absolutely ZERO interest in having a simultaneous sexual encounter with two men. I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in this position, although certainly there are women who would have interest. I really don't think, though, that as far as women, the percentage with interest would be so high as to count as "pretty much anyone you ask."
My first questions is, what setting would this be in? Would you be dating a pair of twins in a modern day western country, or in a medieval-inspired fantasy world, or in the depths of space where humans might not even exist? The answer would be different based on the setting. Personally if it were set in a modern day western country it would be absolutely not because incest is just gross. I agree with what others have said in regards to it sounding like wish fulfillment or a porn set-up and I'd like to add that most people would probably be grossed out by it, thus alienating a good part of your potential reader base.
lol! I think most people, men usually, would love the idea of a sexual encounter. However, a relationship with two people at once is complicated enough to keep everyone happy nevermind them also being twins! I think the more interesting perspective would be the twins dating the same person but not letting them know they are twins or how the twins would use him as a proxy to make it "okay" to have sex with one another.
I might (if I were available) sleep with them out of curiosity, if I were attracted to them. I don't think I'd date them, however.
that... since the innitial question... ack i can't even get my mind around this. All i know is that any sane girl would run screaming. Two men? It's bad enough when there's one! (no offense to the guys, i mean this in a way that if the girl were shy- and you probably already know how difficult it is to handle us when we aren't skittish)
Hehe, guys, your answers are a blast. XD And yeah, I know how "wish fulfillment" like this sounds. Then again, I should have probably clarified: The matter here is NOT the sex, but the relationship. Basically, if you’re gonna put yourself into this situation, they are not asking you to jump in bed with them, but asking you to date them both, sex as something that’ll get there eventually. So don’t think of it in the angle of "Yeah, gonna bang ‘em twins!", but in the type of "Can I deal with dating more than one person?" And to address some points you guys have brought up: By all means, you’re completely right. Point is, to answer Evarnae’s question about the setting: It’s a modern setting with some sci-fi elements. The case being that these twins ARE, in fact, mentally liked so they can never be fully independent of one another unless the other one dies. To give an example, they can’t start having feelings for one person without their twin sharing said feelings. They blur the lines between being "one person in two bodies" and "two persons", or at least, so I’m attempting. But while designing this, it came to mind: How would they deal with dating people? And more importantly, thus, how would people deal with dating them? That’s the main reason to be asking this question. One last thing: Heh, if you must, not "Girls/Men of your dreams" type, but decently attractive for certain. So, anyone’s got anymore to offer?
Hmm... Interesting. Though the storyline has nothing to do with romantic dating situations, Mieville explores a similar concept in Embassytown. In the story, the alien Ariekai are only able to recognize sentience in humans when they are spoken to by pairs of humans referred to as Ambassadors. The Ariekai have a two-mouthed biology and each mouth forms parts of words and the other mouth the other parts and both speak simultaneously to create the complete context of their speech. It's complicated... anyway... the Ambassadors are like the twins of which you speak. In fact they are always identical twins until the fateful coming of an Ambassador (in the book, they are referred to together in the singular) who is not a set of twins, and the drama begins. They are raised in such a way that they think of themselves as the same person. Even their names are shared. One pair I remember is called CalVin. One is Cal, the other is Vin, together they are CalVin. It might make for an interesting bit of research reading as regards how the other humans deal with the unusual phenomenon of the Ambassador gestalt mind.
Nope. Nope. Yep. Even thinking about someone other than the person you are dating takes away all the beauty and intimacy from the experience. Speak for yourself. Yep.
It's cultural, but definitely not my thing either, be it two women one guy or two guys and me. But I have been propositioned by a polygamous couple to date the husband. The wife was there when the question was posed. While the thread sounds like it is about dating, I am instantly reminded of the "sandwich" which was apparently common sexual behavior among a group of young people at one time in Conyer's, Georgia that was discovered because a syphilis outbreak brought the behavior to the attention of public health officials.
Why not? That situation is surreal and crazy enough that I'd be too curious not to see what their deal was. I'd at least invite them in for coffee.
I'm also a woman, and I completely agree with you. I not only wouldn't be interested, I can't even wrap my mind around why anyone would be interested. I'm aware that some people would, I accept that, but I can't get there.