I would like to recommend that we have a guest feedback area. Many guests visit this site, I've seen as many as 200 at a time. I think that the overall conversion of guests to active members could improve if we offered some sort of area for guests to drop quick notes, first impressions, likes, dislikes, anything. This area could even be for staff eyes only. I know that when I visit a site I have immediate impressions, and would like to drop a note for one of the higher-ups there to see to help improve, and outside eyes could have some really good ideas. Thanks for your time, Tarnished
I think this a good idea, I welcome it and support it. I might fight for it. So many sites do not give an opportunity for the guess to speak, cause I also have an impression on a site when I first see, I also do what is call site stalking where I go to the same site over and over again, but haven't joined until that right moment. Maybe that one guess is the guess that might become a member, but they have one problem with this site. Or it might be that one guess that might become a member, but they aren't sure, they have some questions. I agree with Tarnished.
A lot of the 'guests' aren't real - as is my understanding, rather that they are spybots etc, trawling the net - and not 'real' users. Not convinced myself that we need a guest book or the like, those determined to stick around and contribute (i.e those we want to stay) will do so anyway. The feedback could however be useful for site improvements.
I see it as a place spammers would dump their load, and because there is no account involved, we would not be able to ban them. I also don't even know if it is possible within vBulletin to allow anonymous postings.
'Twas just an idea, and I see Cogitos point, that this is a nice idea in thoery but the execution may be tough.
Anonymous posting is a setting we could create for a specific forum, but I too fear it would be a invitation for spammers.
I think it would invite way too many spammers. and over time I think it would bring in way too many spmmaers and losers. Been a Mod kinda puts me off this idea because we deal with an extremely large amount of spammer and Id rather not deal with double.
It you want fedback, it would be better to allow registered members the ability to send feedback, with the option of being anonymous Either way spammer would always be an issue. The question being is it really necessary.
Registered members can akways send feedback to Daniel or any of the moderators. It's true tht the person you send it to will know who sent it, but I think we're pretty reasonable most of the time. Spammers are always an issue. We get rid of them as quickly as possible, so hopefully most members don't even see them. But we do clean up quite a bit of spam during an average week, so we always take spam into account for any changes to the site.