Hey guys. In relation to the review the NY Time did on Deathly Hallows, I have made a petition in protest against it, targetted both against them and the bookshop who broke a contract. Please could you advertise the link as I want to get as much signatures as possible, who knows what may come of it. If http://www.petitiononline.com/hpdhrv19/petition.html Please note: I have not linked the orginal article and none of the contents posted by the Nytimes of the review are in the petition, it is completely spoiler free, otherwise it would contradict the main purpose of the petition, so please ask sign it and spread the word on it Much thanks, WhispWillow P.s to find out more on it, read this by a hp fan site: News: Fans dismayed with early reviews of 'Deathly Hallows'
I also heard that someone leaked it onto the internet. Took pictures of all the pages, and put them on Livejournal and Photobucket. Scholastic and J.K. Rowling are pressing charges. I'd say that if you really don't want it spoiled, stay off the internet for a few days, kiddies.
Considering how the news business favors competitive edge over ethics, probably nothing. However, if news of the fans' outrage over the tactic itself becomes news, it will ba a black eye for the Times. Those on the staff who gave it the go-ahead could be reprimanded by their superiors in that case.
oh, pshaw! there are so many important bad things going on in the world that really need public outrage to be expressed, i can't see why anyone would want to waste time on this... now, if you want me to support a petition to have pix of the starving-to-death babies and raped little girls, moms and old ladies in darfur and other african locales made front page news, i'll sign in a heartbeat!... same goes for all the hens that 'lay' your breakfast eggs who are each kept till they die in a cage just barely big enough to hold 'em, or for all the other truly hideous things we humans do to each other and our fellow members of the animal kingdom... but for mega-millionare jkr and her millions of fans to be 'suffering' any harm from a newspaper article?... good gosh, get a grip, folks!
Fun Fact: Most newspapers get the majority of their profits from in-home subscriptions, not from the new stands.
Mammamaia, The world is filled with injustices and tragedy. However, this is a writer's forum. What topics would you expect to show up and be discussed? Attempting to shame or belittle (directly or indirectly) a member who posted about a petition with respect to a major news outlet and what they see as inappropriate, seems okay to me. On a sports related forum, if a member posts a link to a protest to be sent to the league offices, about certain methods for determiining who gets into a hall of fame...while trivial to larger bigger world issues, is still legitimate. Telling those folks to get a grip, these athletes are millionares anyway... There are forums and blogs out there that address starvation, rape, animal cruelty, and all sorts of world injustices. While I understand your POV and legitimate stong feelings on the issues, posting about the Deathly Hallows on those types of sites/forums I would see more of a problem with. Taking a view similar, a step further, why is anybody bothering to visit this forum/site? Unless every one of us is writing allegorical novels focusing on such human tragedy and suffering, we each should be ashamed of ourselves. So much for the non-fiction writer discussing how to build a backyard pond properly. There are people who lack sufficient clean water, and his book and expertise should be focusing on that instead! Otherwise his efforts is a tragic waste. Should there be sports pages in news magazines and papers? Should television only air documentaries on human suffering and working efforts to correct such? By the way, I support, organize and donate often (directly and indirectly through my church and other organizations) to causes that address conditions mentioned. Does this make me a saint? Nope. Could I do more, yep. Should I be made to feel bad, insignificant, or that I was wasting everyone's time if I were to post a petition saying what I think the NY Times did wrong in the pages of its paper with respect a novel soon to be released, on a writer forum? Nope. Just my opinion added to the mix. Terry
While that may all be true, there is just no plausible excuse for airing the Anna Nicole story non-stop on every news channel. God Damn America!
well, terry, you're entitled to your opinion and i'm entitled to mine... right? adam... too terribly true!!! hugs t'ya both, m