I figured it would be fun for us to have a little mock election here at the forum. So I got one organized! I figured that since the democratic race is still a toss up and the republican race isn’t quite locked up just yet I should start with primaries in order to replicate the full election process. I will post polls for both a Democratic and a Republican Primary so the members of the forum may choose their own candidates for the final race. DEMOCRATIC MOCK PRIMARIES This is where we will hold our mock Democratic Primaries. Unlike the real primaries you need not be a member of the Democratic Party, a US citizen, or of voting age. If I held us to that we wouldn’t have much of an election now would we? All member from writingforums.org are free to participate in this event. You have from 12:00 midnight (US Eastern Time) February 12, 2008 to February 18, 2008 (One Week) to vote for one of the following Candidates: Hilary Clinton Barrak Obama John Edwards Maurice Gravel Dennis Kuchinich NOTE: Not all of the above are still in the race. Since this is a mock primary it will run off the basis that no primaries have yet occurred and all major candidates are still in the race. The highest-ranking candidate will go on to face the highest-ranking Republican in our 2008 Mock Presidential Election! In case of a tie I will post up a second Mock only including those who tied. Hopefully the new votes from others whose candidates were beat will settle the tie. If not, and we still have a tie, we will flip a coin XD. The Following Links are for your convenience: Hillary Clinton Barack Obama John Edwards Maurice Gravel Dennis Kuchinich If the Site requests sign-up you may skip this to proceed straight to the site where there is a issues tab providing each candidates stance on various issues in the US. No replies are necessary for this event though you may feel free to speak. I will ask that no one ask anyone else who they voted for. If you wish to voice yourself who you voted for feel free! I will announce the winner at 1:00 AM (US Eastern Time), Tuesday February 19, 2008. As Clarification. I am counting midnight as the start of the next day. The polls will close after midnight US Eastern Time on Sunday the Nineteenth. The Final Mock Election will then be posted one hour later a 1:00 AM assuming there are no ties.
A great deal... extremely clashing opinions. Or maybe that's just the way the media makes it out to be...?
Its just the way the media makes it out. There really is a disappearing gap between the parties, especially when we have conservatives signing up with the Democrates and Liberals signing up with the Republicans. In Short: Democrates: Social Activism, loose interpretation of constitution, big appeal to minorities and activists because of their strong pushes for government intervention in matters of inequality and injustice Republicans: Social Reserved, strict interrpretation of constitution, big appeal to christians and small business owners because of their stances on the preservation of traditional social and family values and economic practices It is getting harder to tell the two apart because their kind of mixing together these days.
I voted for Hilary Clinton. Though Obama would be good. I think that in this day in age we need either a black president or a woman. I don't mean to sound racist or sexist, but men tend to push out a lot of things. If they don't want to see it they won't do anything about it. Different ethinicy don't have that privilege to block out what they want. So they have more knowledge about what is going on. I think that they have an advantage that most white men don't have. I think depending on how they lived they will watch for situations. Woman also don't normally block thinks out. They seem to understand situations better then most men. Most men are filled with confindence and ego. It makes them useless.
Barack Obama is black... Men tend to push out a lot of things? Example? They have more knowledge about what is going on? What does that even mean? They will watch for situations? What? Women understand situations better than most men? "Understanding situations" isn't something one sex does better than the other. It might be something that one person does better than the other. Men are useless? Are you serious?
Now now lets not start a flame war. I put this up merely as a poll not a debate about which Candidate is better. Just a reminder: If you going to talk about Politics in the thread please keep it civil. It would suck if the thread was closed before Everyone had a chance to vote.
LordOfHats, I think that Connolly's questions were direct but civil to Leaka. If individuals are going to make statements of opinion in this thread (or other threads for that matter), others should be able to reasonably question or challenge the assertions made. The indivdiual who posted the opinions should, in theory, be able to back them up with facts or evidence...or at least anecdotal support. If they can't, choose not to, or do a poor job of it, that is something other readers of the thread can use in evaluating the merit of what was said or opinions asserted. To add to your suggestion, LordOfHats:The discussion should focus on ideas not persons or personalities and should be professional and not personal in nature. Terry
Yeah, I'm not trying to start a fight. Don't think that I'm flaming Leaka. I'm just wondering why he believes what he believes.
GO, 'O'!!! and, for me, that's a biggie... as those of you who've read much of my work may know, i'm not a big fan of the male half of our homo sapiens, but to me, hilary is more duplicitous, intractable male than female, and barack seems to be well in touch with his sensitive and open 'female side'... anyone wanting a real 'change' would have to vote for him, to have any chance of getting one... another clinton after another bush is not even light years close to being a change of anything, as far as the us being mired in political patronage and perfidy...
remember when Bill was president and hilary became bilary. I think you had a female president then just didn't know it for sure. Hilary is not to be trusted. She says one thing but her body language says another. Maybe it is woman's intuition but I do not want her as your president.
I know they were civil and perfectly fair. Don't worry I don't think your trying to start a fight. But Politics can get heated, I know, so I figured It would be safe to put up a reminder since my original post made no mention of it.
I voted for Obama. I like his Healthcare plan. I like his plan to leave Iraq. ( Trying to evacuate all the troops within sixty days seems like it would leave a much bigger mess than is called for. The mess left behind, no matter when we leave, will be big enough without all that. ) I like his background. Only 8 years in the Senate, but a lifetime of civil-service working. Opposition to the war in Iraq from the start, even when it was a hindrance to his popularity. He's sincere. He could be putting on a huge facade, but if he is, then he's a damn good actor. I don't think the same two families in the White House for twenty years is a good thing, but that might just be me. Also, Hilary almost crying on TV dropped her down a notch for me. Being emotional is fine, but you can't let your emotions get in the way of your logic. If she's going to get a little touchy when just speaking about something.. then what if half of America is blown off by a rogue-nuke or something( Wild speculation, here. )? I would rather have someone who isn't going to cry, but is going to think of rational ways to sort that thing out. ( Really sloppy post. Ah well. )
no chance of that with barack, since he's an only child and they only have two very little girls [think chelsea! ]... another nice 'change'!
Well I think we've pretty much gotten in all the votes we're going to get. Two days and only one person has voted after the initial burst of votes from day one and two. Since it pretty much looks over I declare the winner as: BARACK OBAMA! Obama will move on to the final Mock Election this Sunday at midnight against Republican Candidate Ron Paul. I invite all our voters to return in the final round to choose who WF.org wants as the next US president.
isn't that silly to the max, since paul isn't even in the running and mccain is the only possible gop candidate, especially since he just got romney's blessing?
I see your point Maia. However Ron got the most votes in out republican primary so I have to put him in the Mock Election. Personnally I would a have prefered McCain but the members have spoken. Good thing mock elections don't matter in the end eh ?
Im sure its intended to but common. I could see a actor putting on a hillary suit for "Hillary on Ice" as that song played . I'm sorry but that's hilarious. If I went to a Hillary rally and some people starded singing and dancing I'd be on my back rolling on the floor laughing .