I can do the actual design bit. I have openoffice and the gimp, I have already approached people for some graphics and music. And someone from the site helped me out with my falcon. However I am wondering about the content - has anyone else done one? My ability is limited but my eye is good. I am also contemplating using it to publish my book if my first choices of publishers and literary agents all reject me (which I am prepared for), and including a free bit of the site and a paid bit which releases the actual stories. I am contemplating a character blog for minor characters. Advice?
The idea of a website for a book strikes me as odd, to be honest. I guess I'm more accustomed to authors having websites, rather than their books.
I am planning on using a pen name, seems kind of funny giving her, her own website At least until she gets something published. As its fantasy I thought I could place the legends of the planet onto the site, maybe one the characters can have a blog etc. Facade of Shadows, Shadowmancer etc their websites are for the book and not the author.
The actual design I am not scared of I have thrown a few together for companies over the years, my husband can do any programming I need, but its more content, I am thinking of keeping me out of it the book is told from the point of view of a 17 year old boy so less this middle aged lady is associated with it the better I think, would like a website that appeals to Young Adults/Teenagers. I am not sure how to approach it but I know I want something different to the one's I have seen, I have always been innovative with my design for others but seem to be struggling doing it for myself lol
Zeem I actually think you are right a forum and funny cat pictures have given me a lot of thought The book has a cat, a wolf and a horse, and my brother has two black cats hmmm My book has a small but growing international group of teenage fans who devour any related short story I send them. Some have stuck with it since the appalling first draft and it would never have been accomplished without them. Intially this is to give something back to them, especially as my completed book has just been pulled back to chapter 6 tonight in order to work in some elements to allow book 2 to flow better. I am also contemplating later a way to make money and market my book. I am wondering about a paid part and a free part to the site one receiving new stories on a regular basis. I want it to be surprise or I would ask them
You should do a wordpress site. They are really versatile, totally customizable, and can do pretty much anything you want. They have themes all ready to go with every style you can possibly imagine, you can just browse all the different kinds they have (also outside of the wordpress website) because people make them for all different kinds of businesses, for individuals, for writers, artists, etc. Anything and everything!
Seems odd to have a website for a book. But if you're going to be posting new stories regularly then I guess it's more an author website. Yeah, there are blogs of characters so you could have a section for that. Make a game based on it since it's fantasy, and it'd totally attract your target market.
Hmm wonder if I can do that, I do have a couple of games I wrote a few years ago I may be able to tweak them. A simple point and click would work with the first person present tense book.