1. ZarisRedmist

    ZarisRedmist New Member

    Dec 1, 2012
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    Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska, United States

    Developing a setting purely by its sound

    Discussion in 'Setting Development' started by ZarisRedmist, Jan 8, 2013.

    Greetings All,

    I am currently writing a novel where my main character is inside of a capsule. He is cognative but cannot move nor can he open his eyes, he can only listen for now. Though writing the story from that point of view has become more challenging than what I had orginally thought. Any thoughts on how to make this easier to write or make it more vivid to the reader? If there are anymore questions please PM me.


  2. Dannabis

    Dannabis New Member

    Jan 11, 2013
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    I think it's a very good idea to do this. I always enjoy a story engaging from a character's perspective rather than a 'fly on the wall' approach. I think to compensate for the lack of other sensations, you could more deeply explore the auditory ones. For example, if you character should hear a rattle, what kind of rattle? Explain the resonance and timbre. Perhaps he begins to piece together his surroundings purely by deciphering these sounds.
  3. sylvertech

    sylvertech Active Member

    Dec 30, 2012
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    You can perhaps include dialogue,
    or at least people. These tend to be very noisy.
    A robe dragging on the floor, a door closing,
    water being pouted, chairs squeaking when sat on.
  4. notnancydrew

    notnancydrew New Member

    Jan 12, 2013
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    Fairfax, VA
    I feel your pain, Zaris. My protagonist is unable to see for a lengthy scene in my current novel, and I found myself reusing the same words to describe similar, yet distinct, actions. I've had to scrap a lot of it during the revision process, because it's no longer engaging.

    From what I've learned, I suggest varying what your character does as much as possible within your constraints. He can't move, but can he smell, feel, reason, remember? Consider that as one sense becomes restricted, another improves to compensate. So, he may be unable to see, but his hearing may allow him to register the minutiae others are unable to recognize. How do these sounds make him feel? What memories do they evoke? Flashbacks may be a good technique to utilize if it fits with your overall story.

    Also, I would caution you away from describing every single detail in an attempt to create content. Know what adds to your story, and what detracts from it.

    I hope that helped!

  5. Hwaigon

    Hwaigon Senior Member

    Dec 5, 2012
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    Second to the right, and straight on till morning.
    Try Franz Kafka and his Transformation, also Plato's idea about the cave and the man enchained
    in it who can only see light or other stimuli from the outside world and imagines what it's like.

    The truth is it is too difficult unless you're a very experienced writer...also, I can't really imagine the scope of a novel
    for this. Short story maybe...as it is the case with the aforesaid Transformation.

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