Interesting, I can see what you're getting at here. In fact I think you have some of the best ideas I've seen on this site. You're proposal to institute world piece is inspired at least and divine at most. I am extremely interesting in hearing more on this topic, if it's as brilliant and revolutionary as this post. I only hope you don't delete it before everyone can see how fantastic it is.
It was foolish of me to post about that good an idea in the first place, when it's common knowledge that entertainment industry vultures have stringers skimming fora such as this one in order to steal ideas that could fly. But it seems I deleted it too late, as the idea has probably already been stolen by some psychopath television executive.
I was referring to the specific concept in question, having to do with changing history in a highly specific way. The historiography on that part of history dates back only a very few years, and is extremely recent in terms of scholarship.
Chill out dude, it's pretty arrogant to assume that your idea is so good that someone's gonna steal it and develop it into a tv series. In any case, interesting concepts will always come second to well written characters.