OK I need Double entendre help I have a male(Zake) female(Kaira) characters and their friends meeting their future selfs. Kaira notices her future self is not that. She asks Future-Zake why he answers " certain events happened to prevent her" ( something like that) I'm trying to make it sound like future Kaira died but in truth she couldn't show because she is with child and if her past self saw her, past Kaira would figure things out that she shouldn't. I'm also trying to make future-Zake seem sad(or evil) while he is saying it but actuality is happy. I could decide where to put this so if this is in the wrong area tell me.
I've always been advised not to use writing devices to deliberately lead the reader astray. Having one of the characters go down the wrong path--e.g. in a thriller--because it seems logical, although later it may turn out to be wrong, is not the same thing. The difference is that the reader is on a discovery with the characters and isn't aware of the writer's knowledge. If you withhold information deliberately to mislead, as you indicate you want to do in your post, it's as if the writer imposes, God-like. BTW, a 'double entendre' means something that seems innocent but also has a sexual meaning. I don't think you mean this!
serena... i think you may be confusing a 'double entendre' with a 'paradox'... and double entendres don't always have a sexual subtext, though most do...
I think SereneYasha is referring to a double entendre which makes it sound like Kaira is dead, but also can be interpreted as something less sinister. How about future Zake says, "She's not with us anymore", which is true because she's gone to a safer place until the child is born? Btw, is there a reason their future selves can't just lie to their earlier selves?
"She's not with us anymore" would definitely sound misleading to my ears. "She's not with us" would work just as well and seem less like a cheat.