I'm just wondering something... Have there ever been contests here where writers partner up and write something together? If not, I think it might be something fun to try.
That sounds great to me and I think that it would be a great idea. Lets hope the modsquad and LP like the idea
Aw... I was hoping Bay was going to say something like, "Two men enter, one man leaves." That would have been a cool type of contest. I even had my boxing gloves ready... However, I believe the site I used to be on had duet-battles or something of the sort.
I do like the idea of some sort of joint contest, but I'm having trouble picturing how it'd be done. Just two people collaborating one one story?
Wow. This is an old topic. I don't know how it came back up, but I'm glad it did. It'd be like all the other contests. There'd be theme, a word limit, a deadline, etc. But instead of one writer entering a piece, two writers would work together on a piece and one of them would submit it, stating that it was a team effort and giving credit to the other author. I've done contests like this on other sites, and it was always a lot of fun. It gives writers a chance to figure out their own strengths and weaknesses in comparison to another writer.
at the same time, while this is a good idea. We have quite a few contests running already. Wouldn't it start to get difficult to keep them all going?
I, personally, wouldn't start the contest until July or so, if there was one created. Co-authoring a piece would be fun.
We just have to wait till the winner of the Consequences comp. is chosen, then we can start with this contest. There needn't be any prize for winning, of course. It would be like the weekly short story contests.
It has no connection with the Consequences contest, other than the fact that the regular weekly short story contest is on hold for now.