Which is technically correct punctuation atop an informal letter (or doesn't it matter)? Hi, Louis, I am writing to inform you . . . (I'm told that two commas [as shown above] is the correct way to go here—just confirming.) --------------- Hi, Louis. I am writing to inform you . . . --------------- Hi Louis, I am writing to inform you . . . (I see this version a lot, but I think a comma should technically follow "Hi.") --------------- Hi, Louis— I am writing to inform you . . . --------------- Hi, Louis: I am writing to inform you . . . (Can we use a colon after the name when we use "Hi" or "Hello" before the name?) --------------- Thank you.
the 2 commas version is the only 'correct' way... but the comma/em dash is fine for informal correspondence... that said, the opening sentence is far from informal!...