I was just wondering about everyone else here; overall, do others seem to have faith that you'll go far with your writing, or does everybody not seem to care about your hobby? Or do they think it's worthless?
Actually, they do. I've never really thought about it, but all my friends and extended family members are very supportive. They often ask me what I've written. I tell them plot ideas and let them read my words. Sometimes they read my stories without me knowing it etc. Funny that I've never really realised how supportive they are. Thank you for the question. It made me see how lucky I am. Maybe my greatest critic and supporter is my husband. He knows what good literature is, and I can't really ever meet his standards, but he's always very supportive. Maybe it's because of him that I always think that critique is good for me. And today, I talked with my dear artist friend about reviews and critique. It was wonderful to share experiences. She paints; I write. She knows words; I know art as well. It's nice.
Ha ha. You're very lucky. My mom was initially the one to get me into writing...my first story ever was a story about a cat-and-mouse that chased each other around, nad my kindergarden teacher loved it, and my mom kinda encouraged it. I kind of started doing more in like second grade and stuff, but you know, I kind of keep my writing much more secretive from my family. The friends who know about it kind of seem to not care. Actually, nobody seemd to have much faith in me...that's why I was curious.
Its funny, I have no support really from my family but any most people that read my stories have really liked them and wonder wether or not I am published
My friends do, but my family not so much. Actually, a lot of my support comes from my english teachers at school.
I don't think anybody even knows that I write yet. I haven't been doing it that long and I generally don't show my stuff to somebody untill it's done.
Yeah, my family (except for my sister, who also has no faith in me) really doesn't know that I write...
I fiercely hide...protect...my writing from every member of my family. They don't see my writing, unless I choose to show it to them.
as far as me my family is to practical. I find it sad really. but my parents had to be that way coming up. So for them they want me to be practical which i am but I really love to write. I love to show off my stuff but they do not take the time to read it but perfect strangers do.
my biggest fan is Domoviye. He thinks I am good enough to come here and let more people read and critique my silly little stories. My husband is my second biggest fan. But he is married to me so he has to be. Or I won't cook for him. LOL. My grandson likes what I write since I make it a personal story. He is also a story teller and a poet. Has won a couple of contests with his poems. So all in all I get the support I need from those nearest and dearest to me. As for siblings and parents they could care less. out of sight out of mind.
It is a mixed bag for me. Most folks, family, friends and co-workers are supportive and wonder what's taking so long to get my novels published (those that don't know much about the publishing industry). They occasionally see one of my short stories published and I guess that lends some credibility to my moving forward. However, in the end, it is the writer himself that must have faith in his ability to produce quality work. Does it help having someone 'cheer' you on? For me, some. But it's more about me writing and improving and getting my work published--out there for others to read. Terry
The only time I've ever shown anyone I know personally my work was last year. let my Mom read a prologue from a novel I had started. She was extremely supportive and said she loved it, but she's my Mom you know, what else is she going to say. She asks to read more all the time, but I"m still a bit shy about it. My husband is supportive, although he has never read any of my stuff. If it's not cowboys and Indians, ala Louis Lamour he isn't too interested. But he leaves me alone when I'm writing and doesn't nag me about the dishes piling up in the sink. If only he'd tell me to quit my boring job so I could write all day and night, but you know, I think if he could, he would, if we could live without my salary.
I personally think that people in this forum genuinely do care and that they in their own way write a reply to show how supportive they are of the members and their work. Some people, I noticed, when giving an opinion may come across as arrogant or very negative. However, I do not think it is intentional. As they are only trying to 'voice' their opinions in what they consider (my opinion) is constructive criticism
I'm so fortunate to have a supportive family and a close, tightly knit circle of friends that offer wonderful pieces of advice and have, are, and will always be my biggest fans.
I'm lucky enough to have three great friends that are bigger readers than I am, so naturally they're very interested in what I write. And I know I can always rely on at least one of them to give completely honest advice wherever she thinks it's needed. Unlike my family, and that's only because nobody in my family has seen any of my writing in a long time. And I also had an English teacher that was enthusiastic about what I was wriiting at the time, but that guy was overly friendly; he probably would've been buddies with Hitler if he (Hitler) had simply been a fan of Karen Carpenter (the teacher's favorite singer).
The most important person to have faith in my writing is me. And I do. I leave my writing crap all over anyplace I spend significant time; but heaven help you if you try to read it. This includes friends, relatives, family members. They all sort of think it is cute, but they lack real interest; passive support, I guess you could call it. Doesn't bother me.
I don't know. I have a really hard time sharing my writing with anyone other than one friend, who is also a writer. We email back and forth, give each other constructive criticism, etc. Writing is something that is incredibly personal to me, and sharing it with others is something that is still really hard for me to do. So to answer your question, I know I have faith in my writing. And my friend does. But we're the only two that will probably ever get to read it.
The only person that knows I write is my sister, but I haven't let anyone read my work yet. My friends aren't really the "artistic" type, and they would more than likely find it hilarious that I write. So for now, it stays a secret.
Hmmm... That's nerve racking. X_X But I'm sure that my family would support me, would, because they don't know much of my writing. But I have a couple of people that has faith in it.. So yeah. X_X
I have faith in my ability to learn from my mistakes. As for others - no one really seems to care too much. I'm still learning to write though, so I haven't really shown anyone I know anything. It would be like me trying to become a painter and showing a Crayola doodle to someone I love. They would believe that I was expecting them to support me. Thats just cruel. Once I have a handle on this thing... then will be the time to show and tell.
I get lots of people saying, "You should try getting published!"--but these are the same people who lose interest in reading anything of mine after like one chapter, so it's kind of hard to take that seriously. I mean, honestly--WHY do you think I should try getting published when you yourself can't even stay interested in my work for more than ten minutes?? Aside from that, there's the VERY rare comment from people who enjoy what I do, but I generally don't hear from them a second time, so for all I know they too lose interest immediately. *sigh* And aside from that, nobody really seems to care. My family thinks writing is only of any use if you're making money off of it by getting published, and since I'm not doing that, it's not important. That really hurts; even if they aren't interested they could at least be encouraging. And seeing as most people on writing forums and websites seem focused primarily on getting published, it makes me think my own work has no real meaning. So for the most part, I'd say people, when they speak up, say my writing is good, but they don't have much faith in it for the primary reason that they don't really care to read it in the first place.
A lot more than I do, unfortunately. Once in a blue moon, I'll look at something I have written and think 'hey...that's not too bad'. That lasts for a moment or two and then is replaced by non-verbal expressions of dismay. lol. I do, however, have faith that one day, I'll write something that I can be proud of long enough to attempt publication.
Oh my god. I totally understand that. My mom used to be really supportive of whatever I wanted to do when I was younger, but lately, it seems all she really wants me to do is do something that makes good money. Like she says that if I wanted to do something like journalism with no real money involved, it'd be okay. But I don't know. I think that since she's married my stepdad, who makes more money compared to my dad...yeah. I don't know.