Without realizing it, my mom was watching me wash my eyeglasses just now. It went like this: "What are you doing?" "Washing my glasses." "Why?" "I don't know. I always wash them. What? You don't?" "No." "I do." "You're crazy." Am I crazy? I wash my glasses at least once a day, in the sink with soap and water and just use my fingertips. I also leave my hair brush in a glass of very hot soapy water overnight every once in a while. Am I OCD? Am I alone in these practices?
Nope. I only wear my eyeglasses about an hour a day (after I remove my contacts), but they still require washing abowu once a week. Otherwise fingerprints and other smudges cloud up the view. Hairbrushes - I wash mine about once or twice a year. After I pull off accumulated hair, I see an accumulation of dust bound with hair/skin oils that I don't want to drag through my hair again.
I wash my glasses, but I've never washed my hairbrush. Now that I think about it, though, I probably should...I'm sure my hairbrush is pretty gross.
Another OCD "washer" here. I also keep those foil packages of Bausch & Lomb pre-moistened lens cleaning tissues in selected places like my car, office desk, home desk bedside table and my favorite reading chair. I can't stand to look through cloudy or smudged lenses. As far as hair brushes, I only use a comb and I lose them frequently so they don't hang around long enough to need washing...LOL
I've never washed my glasses, and hairbrushes? Maybe annually, if that... but I don't put any "products" on my hair and wash it every other day.
That's the part that surprises me about mum. She is the hair products queen! I once found her glasses on the bathroom sink counter and I washed them because the bows had layers of hairspray that were akin to geographic strata! Yuck!
I wipe ofthe lenses with lens cleaner a few times a week, but I wouldn't put them in a sink full of soapy water. I don't know what that would do to it.
Mine are plastic 100%. Frames and lenses. I wash them as a whole, lenses, frames and all. My body chemistry is such that metal frames last me no time at all before showing rust at the temples and the bridge. Doesn't matter how expensive they are.
My glasses are just for reading. I've never washed them in the sink. I just breathe on them and rub them with my shirt. If they're really bad, I'll use Windex, but I don't have to do that very often.
i'll only occasionally wash my glasses [3 pairs of 'em at my age!], but i most often use eyeglass cleaner in a pump-spray bottle and a kleenex... i de-hair my brush whenever it's got any in it, take my brush and comb into the shower with me and when my hair is shampooey, run them through it... it's the best way to clean them, gets into/between all the teeth/bristles perfectly... and using the brush to scrub your scalp is good for getting rid of those dead skin cells, added to the usual full-fingered-scrub...
Bad things would happen if I tried to comb my hair. But, no, I don't wash my glasses (...it'd help if I had some...) or my hairbrush. But I pull all the hair out it at least twice a day. My hair sheds when I brush it. Lol
I'm insulted! I have contacts, but my corneas are really dry, so I stick to my glasses most of the time, and yes, I wash them. If dried well, I find washing more efficient than just using that spray cleaner. I also wash my hairbrush and have a cap for my toothbrush (gross; germs). I'm a bit of a cleanfreak --I carry around antibacterial gel, travel toothbrush and paste for after lunch, and wash everything. xD
I wash my glasses in the sink sometimes, I'm often too lazy though, so I do the whole 'breathe and rub' method, which works well. I wear my glasses within 30 seconds of waking up, within 30 seconds of going to sleep. I've become so used to them, I don't realise they're on. Sometimes it's like, 'why is my vision so blurry? Oh yeah, I wear glasses.'
Hmm...I wash my glasses when I put on or take off my lenses, usually using a wet tissue. As for my combs(I don't uses brushes ), my Mom used to wash all the combs in our home every second day, I sort of go into the habit of washing them everyday before I take a bath.
Wow, we actually have one thing in common other than enjoying the written word! I never would have believed it possible. We disagree on EVERYTHING. I've never known anyone else who does this when washing their hair. Since yours are plastic, Wrey, I guess washing them in soapy water is fine. My frames are very thin metal and I have to make them last as long as possible.
In all fairness, I think you look really good in your glasses. I don't wear glasses or contacts meself, but I do wear sunglasses very often. I don't wash them. That is my contribution to this conversation.
Hahaha. I agree with the hair thing. It is pretty much impossible to use a comb on my hair AND my hair sheds like crazy when I brush it... so I clean out my hairbrush quite often. I also sometimes have to clean my hair out of the bottom of my vacuum (which is absolutely disgusting). And I don't usually wash my glasses. I'll use a cleaning cloth or something, but I don't wash them with soap and water. I end up with streaks and water spots if I do. *shrugs*
I wipe my lenses several times a day with a special lens cloth. I wash them I the sink a couple times a week and dry on something 100% cotton so as not to scratch them. I only use a hairbrush before my shower, so i don't really bother washing it since I about to wash my hair anyway. I do wash my combs though (what I actually style my hair with). As for make-up brushes...I replace them every few months and do not reuse my makeup sponges. Yes...I am OCD.
Of course I wash my glasses. They sit on your face all day. We all wash our faces. Our hair. Our glasses are exposed to the same. I would think crazy of anyone who didn't. Or at least the people who wear glasses more or less all the time should. I don't wash my hair brush though.... probably should. Just bought a new one though so i'll put it off xD
I don't wear glasses, but I do wear sunglasses every time I step outside, they get a quick wash on occasions, inbetween that though they usually just get wiped over with a tissue. As for the hair brush, my hair sheds like crazy when I brush it, so it gets cleaned out all the time and replaced probably every six months or so.