For a time, I was using a flash drive to move my WIP between desktop and laptop because microsoft networking is not working. About 2-3 weeks ago, I moved my WIP to Amazon's Cloud drive and installed the software on both desktop and laptop as an alternative that has been working quite nicely. Well, just today, the dog ate my flash drive and I probably won't be able to recover anything that may still be on it. I was so angry, because beyond the possibility of something important remaining on it, it was a solid flash drive. It lasted for five years, at least, only to be unceremoniously destroyed by a dog's separation anxiety. In the moment, all I could say was "f***ing dog!" Have your pets destroyed any of your WIP?
By ate, I'm assuming you meant chewed up? Because if he swallowed it you may need him to see a vet. My dogs have destroyed a few things over the years. The worst was chewing on the kitchen cupboards when they were puppies. Apparently the corners made good teething objects. Replacing the entire built-in cabinets is not an inexpensive endeavor. I don't understand, however, how much was on the flash drive that isn't also on one of the other three locations? New flash drives are very inexpensive these days.
I'm fairly certain I transferred everything off and onto a cloud drive. I tried keeping multiple copies, but it became increasingly difficult to sync them, especially if I was trying to maintain a revision system.
I see, I overlooked the, "dodged the bullet" reference. Flash drives are cheap. The love of a loyal companion, priceless.
Robert, I know you're madder than a hornet but thanks for the laugh. My fr**ckin dog eats everything too. He has some sort of sixth sense that allows him to figure out what is newest, therefor has the highest dollar value, or what's oldest, having the highest emotional value. Flash drives are very robust and even if the case is damaged, a good computer tech might be able to salvage the contents. Of course I'd fail to mention the nature of the damage.
Even more funny, I think the cat is her accomplice. I never leave my flash drives on the floor because I might step on them, but flash drives are small. Just the right size for a cat toy. I think he, the cat, knocked it on the floor and the dog picked it up, because she's greedy and jealous like that, and took it to some place for her personal enjoyment.
My dog, a lovable, but far too exuberant labrador, has created a stash cave in our back yard. My daughter found it one day, under an old, very large stump. Many lost items were retrieved that day, but alas, not your flash drive.