OK random thought last night based on someone saying when I get published they want a signed copy. I am using a pen name so my question would be which one of us signs the book? Does Charlotte do it (me) or Anya (the book's author). If so does she need to get practising? (yes I know we are the same person lol)
You pen-persona would sign the book under most circumstances. Unless you're Stephen King to Richard Bachman, where your 'real' name is actually the more well-known figure. Most people use pen names because they don't want their real name associated with their work (directly, at least), so why then sign your real name? Like with the Stephen King thing, the 'it was me all along' only works if the real you is more recognizable than the pen-you, at which point your pen-name is probably just for show anyways and of no functional value. So sorry, Anya gets all the credit and the hand cramps from all those autographs!
Thats fine lol better get practising. I just like the name rather than any other reason. Plus it seems to be an extremely popular fantasy character name right now so think it will market a fantasy book better.
If you write under a pen name then that will be the name you'll be known by, so surely that is the name you would sign.
If the person asking is a close friend or family member, then I can see it going either way. In that case, I would ask. That'll let the inscription seem a bit more personalized. -Frank