Does anyone read these, they're good as all hell, I really enjoy them. I've read a bunch of them, my favorite star wars author is Timothy Zahn. If anyone else reads these that'd be cool I wanna talk about the EU
I have not, but i work with a guy that reads them like it is his religion. He loves them and has recommended me a few, which i dont remember the names. They look interesting but i have always been a bit skeptical on them. Do they involve the characters from the movies?
How could they not involve the characters from the movies? Who would want to read something labeled "Star Wars" if it had nothing to do with the characters they fell in love with watching the movies? What's the EU?
First, a confession: I am a Star Wars nerd. There, now that's out of the way. The EU is the Extended Universe. In books and comic books (even video games), the Star Wars time line spans more than 4,000 years. It is riddled with characters that are not from the movies. We have read about the children of Han and Leia Solo, the marriage of Luke Skywalker, even the return of the evil Emperor (as a clone). We have also read about events and wars that happened thousands of years before the movies took place. Personally, I am a fan of the Bounty Hunter series.
A lot of them would make absolutely no sense to someone who isn't familiar with the way the Star Wars galaxy works. There's a lot of jargon and references. My favorite so far has to be the first Darth Bane novel. You don't often see a Star Wars story told from the perspective of the "bad guys," and I just think the Sith in general are very interesting. That said, my favorite SW author would be Matthew Stover, the guy who wrote Shatterpoint, Traitor, Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor, and the Revenge of the Sith novelization. Browncat: Technically speaking, it spans over 7,500,000,000 years. That's the earliest event listed in Wookieepedia, anyway; the formation of a certain star. Comics have covered events happening over the course of tens of thousands of years, and info books go to hundreds of thousands. Star Wars is definitely not a small universe.
hmmm when I was a teenager I used to read the Young Jedi Academy books, written by Kevin J Anderson. At the time he was cranking out those young adult novels, but now he is a recognized and respected author. I usually dont like franchise fiction, but as long as people are reading, and writers are getting pay checks to eat, its okay.
He was a respected author before he wrote them, thank you very much. John, you've just insulted a lot of authors who write series books, and the young people who read them. As for EU, dumb short forms. I know some of the books have nothing to do with the characters from the movies and their families. Some books are more about the Solo's kids, which I liked. I did read a couple that had nothing to do with the movies, but they didn't hold my interest.
wha! ...I wasnt trying to insult anybody, Rei! I wasnt a serious reader as a kid so I didnt even know that he was a notable writer before the YJA. All of my sources say to avoid doing franchise writing and that its usually a career dead end, so I guess I have a little bias.
Star Wars authors cannot have a dead-end career, as they are all hand picked by the people in charge. In order for someone to get a Star Wars novel published, one must already be an established author without making any attempt to contact LucasBooks about publishing. And since Star Wars isn't exactly a small time franchise, an official novel is all but guaranteed to do well. The only way this case could be a dead-end job is if you aren't picked. At least, that's the way I hear it.
alright alright, peace, truce... I dont wanna fight anybody, I love you all, but, I hope you realize... ...Star Trek IS better
It's an insult to those who write those kinds of kids books because you essentially just said "He did this, now he's respectable." It's insulting because that suggests what he did before wasn't respectable. Those books were actually not that bad.
No, I agree, they werent that bad, I loved them. If thats the way it sounded thats not what I meant. Can we bury the hatchet?
Buried, just wanted you to understand why I took it the way you did. He didn't suddenly become respectable after he wrote those books. I've only read his Star Wars novels. Dark Saber is definitely better.