Hi guys! there's a phrase I need translated into Latin. I've used Google translate but I'm not really sure about the results. Here's the phrase: Supreme Council of Magic I'd really appreciate any help you guys can offer. Thanks in advance!
Thanks Ginger, I checked this site out. It's good but their dictionary doesn't have all the words I need. Would be helpful if there was someone here who actually knew some Latin, though I know that's a long shot.
The reason the dictionary doesn't have the words might mean it's because they don't exist. While you are waiting for help, try looking at a little history to see what Latin leaders were called.
Thanks but the word I searched for was 'council' which they could not translate into Latin. Now google translate tells me that the Latin word for council is 'concilium' which seems to be correct. But when it comes for the whole phrase I'm not so sure if I can trust it. Here's the google translate result for 'supreme council of magic' : 'Ordo supremi concilii unius magicae' Ah...I wish I knew Latin
It looks good. The readers will never know. Google translate for your phrase gives: "The order of the supreme council of magic"
Yeah but it's a mouthful, don't you think? Besides I'm a sucker for authenticity. It's important for me that the title of the council be in proper Latin; even if the majority of the readers won't know the difference, it still bugs the hell out of me if it's not. Maybe I'm too fixated on this? I don't know...
Maybe you're right. If nobody else offers any better alternatives, I'll go with that. Thanks Ginger, you've been very helpful