For english this year i am doing a study on how diffrent authors persieve evil in dual personalities, such as that in Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. So I was wondering what your opinion is on the dual personalitys and how RS Stevenson wrote the novel. It would help me so much when i get around to writing the essay. My other two pieces are "lords of Light" and "My Last Duchess"
I've always felt that Jeckyll and Hyde is much like Golding's Lord of the Flies, a commentary on the savagery beneath the flimsy vernier of civilization.
Would you recomend it for my study? I'm actually quite torn as to whither I should use "Lords of Light". But i need a modern piece aswell, and it is of another diffrent genre so that helps. But it seems almost too obvious to do a study on dual personalities with one of the novels to do with vampires and angels.
My brother found a dusty and old copy of this book, he recommended it to me. I have many things to finish first though... And most classics bore me. Is it a good read?
I liked it. Its very heavy on discription though, so if you don't like that it might not be your cup of tea.