well, i was having this wierd dream last night that as i read the new harry potter book, my own novel was being write. like, i had read something like 200 pages, and all of a sudden i had wrote 200 pages of my novel and it was being published. so then i was rushing to finish the book so i could get mine finished. it was a really wierd day. so, i was wondering, what did you dream about last night? was it scary or wierd or really really good? Heather
I dreamt I had a new puppy to play with and he was cool. Chocolate male labrador to be exact. So no not scary.
Actually I didn't, which is weird. I dream often, and they are mostly lucid dreams which are kinda cool
oww, nice. my mam said she dreamep last night that our dog, Kalli, was ill. so she took her to the vets and then they said that Kalli's back slanted the wrong way and that it should have been caught as a puppy and she was going to die. so then Kalli died and my mam sued the vets for not seeing it. lol
nah, haha. i just realised that i had jad the same avatar for a few weeks now, and i like to change them weekly.
Odd... you've seemed to have the same for as long as I can remember; maybe my time-warped mind is finally catching up to me?
I can't remember what I dreamed last night. But I heard a tale that if you placed a mirror under your pillow/bed that you will dream of your soulmate. I ddreamt that the world was ending. Every single time I had the mirror under the bed I dreamed about the end of the world. So I hate dreaming about the end of the world. But I also remember the forst time I conciously swore in a dream. I told my highschool science teacher to go 'f' himself because he and the banks were goign to take our house away! I have also been known to talk in my sleep!
hahaa, what a good dream and i also sleep talk, and walk. my mam has told me that i constanly get out of bed to open and close my door again, and once i went downstairs, got myself a glass of water from the fridge and stood drinking it is the room. i never remember though!!
I had a dream that I had sole command of the willy wonkers chocalte factory and waged chocolate war on all known rivals and won by making sure they all had loads of really good Wonkers
Apparently we dream in symbols. If that is true then I would like to know what flesh eating zombies are symbolic of It was apart of a weird dream last night, like a re-enactment of Resident Evil except the zombies this time were able to swim so I couldn't get away despite seeking refuge on off shore Islands. Lewl.
Lol I didn't have a dream last night, or if I did then I can't remember. I have really vivid dreams though, and sometimes in my dreams I do every day things like sit on msn and that sort of thing.... Then a few hours later i'll get up and i'll be talking to my friends on msn and i'll mention something and they won't know what i'm talking about because i'll refer to something I said in my dream because I can't always distinguish... weird really But yeah, my dreams are so realistic that I confuse them with memories occasionally.
I had a dream recently thatI was talking to my brother and it was a most unsettling conversation. When I woke up I found myself sitting at my desk with pen and paper and had just finished writing a poem. The poem holds the contents of the conversation we had in my dream. I do know that I was in my bed when I fell asleep. I just think that it is really strange that I wrote the poem in my sleep though :S I haven't written any poetry since that dream.
huh. Well. no remembered dreams yet. Or that I can tell you about! anyhoo... I think I've just been too tired to dream, but don't you hate it when you have been playing a video game for hours and then go to bed and you dream abotu the video game?
cool Torana, i wish i could do that sometimes. well, last night i dreampt that i was going to get my breakfast, but out of the cupboard that we keep the dog-food. then i cannot remember any more of it. :|
My dream had no rhyme or reason. It is not worth going over. I have some unusual dreams though I must say.
I've been having very vivid dreams lately, but I can only remember bits and pieces of them. I know last night that I dreamed about a party...and my friend Tom was there...but I don't remember whose party, or what happened. I started keeping a dream journal a few months ago, so that I could write down my dreams right when I woke up (I get a lot of story ideas from my dreams), but I haven't really been keeping up with it.
Yeah it is concidering my brother passed away some time ago now. And the poem isn't bad, but it isn't that good either. It has its good and bad points I guess.