Just wondering if you think some people report false responses on Duotrope. I heard someone suggesting this the other day. I can't for the life of me think why someone would do this, but people do a lot of stuff I don't understand.
I'm sure it happens. Duotrope doesn't exercise any control over those reports, and they won't interfere with them from what I've seen. I imagine someone who is upset with a market could make a false report of response time or something.
I'd hope that it doesn't happen, but I can well imagine that it does. People do all sorts of moronic things when they get upset, and there is plenty of room for trodden on toes in the publishing world. One thing that I find is useful with stuff like this is being plugged into the social world of writing (through Twitter, Facebook, forums, etc). That way if I'm uncertain about a particular market, there are people whose opinions I trust who I can check it with.