I've been looking like crazy everywhere, and still I can't find the answers to three questions! Please, if someone knows, please help me. These are the questions: 1.- How did Durrës look in 1925? 2.- What drink would be most likely served in an inn/bar? 3.- What is the name of a newspaper read back then? I really need this... I can't continue my story without it!
I don't know much about Durres, but I can give you some info. Durres, also known as Durazzo (Italian) or Dyrrachium (Latin) is a Albanian ciy which at around 1920-1925 was the most important city in Albania, being the capital between 191something and 1920. By that time you can imagine it had a lot of Italian influence because it was at the hands of the Venetians for more than 500 years, with some obvious Greek influence and possibly some Ottoman/Turkish as well. The city exchanged hands quite often due to it's good position. 2) Drink most likely to be served is wine due to the fact that it's a Mediterranean climate and it has a lot of vineyards close by. 3) A combination of Turkish, Greek, Italian and Albanian newspapers due to the modern harbour being constructed in 1925 encouraging lots of toursists. Pick one which was created before 1925, preferably Turkish or Italian Source: A book about Albania in my house, Wiki, and some personal research for my own novel
Thanks alot! Just one more question... You see, I live in Mexico, far away from Albania. Anyway, how would you describe Durres? Like in terms of how the city looks. I want to "capture" the right feeling, which I guess is the only thing I'm missing.
Ah, you lost me completely on this one. The album I have has a couple of nice pictures but they're mostly buildings constructed after 1945.
That's the problem I have! I can't find a thing, not even a picture, of Durres during 1925. It's frustrating.