I just got my internet back and figured I would report this little interesting tidbit. My internet (and power for that matter) was out until just a bit ago due to a completely unrelated lightning strike during a thunderstorm that happened on the same day. Anyway, it definitely woke me up scared the crapola out of me! Earthquake hits Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands
Thank [insert deity of choice] no one was killed, or injured. If there's a best kind of earthquake, this would be it.
We get small earthquakes all the time in N California. They're actually kind of fun...like being drunk; only no hangover!
Wow, glad you're okay there Wrey. I too have never actually been in an earthquake... what was it like exactly?
This one was pretty mild. All of you in California will understand when I say it was a roller, not a shaker. Like a really heavy convoy of trucks or a subway train rolling by. I was stationed at the Defense Language Institute, Presidio of Monterey, CA in 1989 when the big-un hit that year. Monterey is about two hours away from where the epicenter was for that quake and it knocked down my wall-locker and moved my bed halfway across the room. That was scary.