1. StephenAZ

    StephenAZ New Member

    Jul 5, 2012
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    Easing in to a cool place

    Discussion in 'New Member Introductions' started by StephenAZ, Jul 5, 2012.

    Greetings Writers,

    I'm Stephen. I live in the desert, which means I spend a lot of time trying to shed excess heat. Hopefully some of that becomes engaging writing.

    It's likely that I'll take my time learning the ropes before becoming noticably active. There's a certain pleasure in learning new things, new ways, new places that jiggles my neurons. And frankly, it takes a certain amount of internal confidence, built on a foundation of self-perceived 'knowing,' to launch me off the deck and into the deep end of most new experiences. That said, my initial perception of this site registers high on the comfort scale (an arbitrary and frequently changing measure currently based on perceived rules, enforcement of same, respect for the process, but a liberal openness to pretty much anything else).

    I love critiquing and may have some measure of ability in that area. So, that's enough for now, don't you think?
  2. SocksFox

    SocksFox Contributor Contributor Contest Winner 2024 Contest Winner 2023

    Jun 21, 2012
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    Hello from the heart of the Bluff Country. Welcome to the forums. Lots to see and read...:)

    - Darkkin
  3. Banzai

    Banzai One-time Mod, but on the road to recovery Contributor

    Mar 31, 2007
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    Reading, UK
    Welcome to Writing Forums, Stephen!

    I hope you find what you're looking for here, whatever your interests in writing.

    This forum aims to provide the best workshopping resources on the internet, and to that end we have a few rules which you should familiarise yourself with before you get stuck in. The main section of the site is the Writing Workshop, where members can post their writing in order to receive critique of their work.

    However, before we allow members to post their work, they must have met some basic requirments. Firstly, you must have been a member for fourteen days, and have made twenty posts on the forum overall (please note, posts in Word Games do not count towards this). This is so that members, when they post their work, have familiarised themselves with the forums and contributed to them (as well as hopefully learned something for themselves). Secondly, members must provide two constructive reviews of other people's work for each piece of their own that they wish to post. This is because we believe that the focus of workshopping should be equally upon giving reviews as receiving them, as they allow a writer to practice and improve their editing skills, which they can then apply to their own writing.

    Beyond the Writing Workshop, you will find that we have extensive forums for discussion of aspects of writing, as well as a community area for general discussion. We also run periodic short story and poetry contests, which are good for challenging yourself and expanding your skills.

    If you have any questions or problems, then the moderators (myself, Cogito, Lemex and Dante Dases) should be your first port of call. Any technical problems with the site itself should be directed to Daniel, the site administrator and owner. I would recommend you have a look over the rules so that you know what to expect, and what is expected. But aside from that, I hope you enjoy your time here.

  4. peachalulu

    peachalulu Member Reviewer Contributor

    May 20, 2012
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    occasionally Oz , mainly Canada
    Welcome Stephen from a Canuck who lately , feels like she lives in a desert. Yesterday it was 102! Normally this is where I'd add a perky lol , only it isn't that funny. I can only manage a *groan*
    Don't worry too much about not jumping right in , but if you feel you've got advice to give -go for it.
  5. StephenAZ

    StephenAZ New Member

    Jul 5, 2012
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    Thanks for the welcome. A warm welcome in the case of peachalulu -- 102, wow! I want to go Celsius just to have the lower temp number perhaps provide a placebo effect! (BTW, it was 104 here today...whine)

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