Seems there are a few different places to ask this - please let me know where's best. I have been looking through Amazon for a book or two on editing, as well as a website resource perhaps. Any recommendations?
Ok so I have finally finished reading everyone's responses and checked out all the suggestions. I used to hate twitter, but like a complicated poetic form, I am now finding the process of a too-long message having to be massaged into 140 characters an enjoyable challenge. I try to maintain the content whilst trimming the fat, rather than doing the 1/2 ==> 2/2 thing favoured by some. Is editing simply not on people's radars, or ...? Has anyone read any books on editing, or can recommend a website / forum for same? Thanks
I acquired a copy of "Self-Editing For Fiction Writers", ISBN: 0062720465 edit, just found out a new edition is available, ISBN 0-06-054569-0 I found it extremely useful, it cites good and bad examples, explanations of why, a few things to edit yourself for practice. I'd highly recommend this book to anyone. Sam
Thanks Sam. After much research and review reading, I bought a book a few weeks ago. It's titled, "SELF-EDITING FOR FICTION WRITERS" second edition. ISBN 0-06-054569-0 By Renni Brown and Dave King. I look forward to reading it and seeing if my impressions align with yours
Hope you get the same impression as me, it was a real eye-opener for some bad habits that I'd fallen in to (according to the books point of view).
Nearly finished the book. It's great. Have learnt some very fundamental things, and will go back over it at a later date once I actually start writing. Highly recommended.