I'm writing something involving eleven, that's right ELEVEN, characters. All of which come from an alchoholic, cocaine addicted mother. What would be some medical and mental effects of these addictions on her children? Any help is awesome.
The best way to find out more about this is from an AL-ANON/NAR-ANON or site or support group. You may not be allowed to sit in on meetings, but you may find someone willing to talk about it in general terms, and certainly they can give you some literature.
That's what I was thinking. Also find someone who grew up in such a situation that would be willing to talk about it to you.
Fetal alcohol syndrome, depending on if/how heavily she was drinking during pregnancy. Tis what comes to mind first.
and children born to addict moms are sadly all too often addicted at birth themselves, and must be detoxed... plus they are prone to suffering serious physical and developmental problems from day one of their addiction-devastated lives... you can google for the gory details...