Hello! I'm glad to see another sight so devoted to making it easier on aspiring writers such as myself. I used to be on another site quite simialar to this in fact. The only visible difference is .com www.writingforums.com though is down though and has little chance of working again though from the looks of it. Ahh well anyhow this sight seems more reliable and I'm glad to have found another. Hi to anyone who reads this I'm eager to get started. I live in the US. I love to write in my spare time my most common thing to do...you guessed it...is write. I suddenly get bursts of imagination in the middle of nowhere so I've grown a new habit. I carry a small little notepad around in my purse.I have almost filled tthe whole little jounal. I was flipping through it and its all so random it made me laugh.Oh heavens, I'm rambling on again. I'm really at a loss for what to say here sooo um. I guess that's it.
Well, welcome fellow refugee. It seems a lot of people have headed over here from there. The funny thing is that I had just joined both sites the same night but I kept finding my way back here. It's very easy to get around here.
We've been getting a lot of you people recently. I guess we'll have to air out the guest rooms, and start using the good dishes. Hello, make yourself at home.
well welcome to the forum and I do hope you have a great time here, we are most happy to have to here that I do know... lol so yeah have fun and see ya round the board
I've been here awhile and although writingforums.com is back up I prefer this sight highly because honestly I get better feedback and a lot more and faster. I don't mind how fast really but I love how so many people actually are not lazy here. love this place. I prefer it.